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  • Develop a professional ppt on the consulting topic which i written in the requirements.

Develop a professional ppt on the consulting topic which i written in the requirements.


Develop a professional MS PPT presentation on the topics of the implementation phase *and* the consultant-client (C-C) relationship during the implementation phase in the consulting process. At minimum, the professional MS PPT presentation should cover the following topics: a) the purposes of implementation, b) the challenges of implementation including change management-related challenges or dealing with resistance to change, and c) three to five techniques in the implementation phase including but not limited to project management-related techniques, which may be used by a consultant during the implementation phase in the consulting process.

A minimum of five (5) of the following readings below should be used to develop the professional MS PPT presentation. You can choose any but a minimum of five and clearly identify which sources/readings you selected to develop your presentation (both in each slide of your presentation and in the appendix or references section).

  • Any of the readings on the implementation phase in the consulting process and the consultant-client relationship, change management, and project management as per section 6. MANDATORY CASE-RELATED MATERIALS in Cases, readings, and preparation questions for session #9 at https://courses.kpu.ca/mod/page/view.php?id=2215080

Your professional MS PPT presentation should include 3 pages (minimum) to 5 pages (maximum) excluding appendices and/or references.

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