Disability Matrix Essay.


Disability Matrix Essay.

Disability Matrix Essay.


As part of the IEP team, general education and special education teachers must possess an understanding of the eligibility categories used to determine if a student is eligible to receive special education services. These categories are broad and many types of diagnoses fall under each category. For example, attention deficit disorder is one common disability that falls under the category of Other Health Impaired, and Down syndrome falls under Intellectual Disability. Dyslexia is also a diagnosis that usually falls under the category of Specific Learning Disability in the area of Reading and has specific, unique characteristics. General education and special education teachers must collaborate and communicate in a professional and articulate manner with school psychologists, related service providers, administrators, colleagues, and families when determining eligibility and providing a rationale to support the need for delivery of services. Disability Matrix Essay.

Use the provided “Disability Matrix Template” to complete this assignment. Follow the example “Autism” row in the template.

Identify and research the disability categories under IDEA.

Support your findings with an additional three scholarly resources.

GCU style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.


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Disability Matrix Template

Disability or Disability Category Development Area(Identify each as cognitive, linguistic, social, physical, and/or emotional) Definition(Define each disability category in your own words)Causes(Identify the origins associated with the disability)Prevalence(Identify the statistical measure that indicates the number of incidence in a given population)Characteristics and Potential Effect on Learning(Identify the physical, emotional, linguistic, social, and cognitive traits and how they could affect individual student learning)
Example:Autism Cognitive, Linguistic, Social/EmotionalAutism is a developmental disability that affects communication (verbal and nonverbal) and social skills.A developmental disability that affects social, communication, and academic skills. Restrictive and repetitive behavior might be observed. (NICHCY, 2011)Difficulty communicating and interpreting motives and cues of others-Not comfortable with change-Poor social skills-May engage in the same activity over and over (SARRC, n.d.)  Mostly unknown. Possible hereditary and environmental causes.The causes of Autism are not clear but has something to do with brain development before birth.(Autism Society, “Causes,” 2015 para. 1).Autism is one of the fastest growing disabilities. Prevalence has changed to 1 in 68 children in U.S. (Autism Society, “Facts and Statistics,” para 2. 2016).  Difficulty with written expression. Reading comprehension, math problem solving, fine and gross motor skills may also be affected, over and under selective attention to detail making task completion difficult.Can include verbal and non-verbal skills, inflexibility, resistance to changes, hyper or hypo sensitivity to sensory stimuli, and repetitive behavior causing difficulty with social skills with peers as well as emotional well-being. (NICHCY, 2011)
Developmental Delay      
Emotional Disturbance/Behavioral Disorders      
Hearing Impairment      
Intellectual Disability      
Multiple Disabilities      
Orthopedic Impairment      
Other Health Impairment      
Specific Learning Disability     
Speech or Language Impairment      
Traumatic Brain Injury      
Visual Impairment (including blindness)      


References for Autism Example:

Autism Society (2016). Facts and statistics [Web Page]. Retrieved from: http://www.autism-society.org/what-is/facts-and-statistics/

Autism Society (2015). Causes [Web Page]. Retrieved from: http://www.autism-society.org/what-is/facts-and-statistics/

National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities (2011). Categories of disabilities [PDF File]. Retrieved from: http://www.parentcenterhub.org/wp-content/uploads/repo_items/gr3.pdf

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