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Discipline Without Stress | Term Paper Tutors


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Week 6 Discussion 1 – Discipline Without StressAccess the “Discipline Without Stress, Punishment, and Rewards” link in this week’s Readings and Resources. Marvin Marshall’s premise is that discipline should promote responsible behavior and reduce apathy toward learning. As you view this short video, post your response as to the level of involvement this principal demonstrates in the school-wide discipline plan in her building and whether you would recommend Marshall’s plan for behavior in your building. Justify your position.Note: In case you are not familiar with Marvin Marshall’s Discipline without Stress, Punishments or Rewards, additional background information is below:Marshall contends that in years’ past, students have come to school with the social skills needed to be successful in the classroom. This is not the case today, and teachers and administrators must now take on what was once done at home and teach those values at school. He has established a hierarchy of social development where there is no longer telling, punishing, and rewarding. He has designed levels of responsibility for students beginning with A (Anarchy), B (Bullying/Bothering), C Cooperation/Conformity and D (Democracy). You can get more information by watching the video Discipline Without Stress, Punishment or Rewards (Refer to the link in this week’s Readings and Resources).Your initial responses are due by Wednesday at 11:55 p.m. Eastern time and should be between 200-250 words. The initial posting should be a statement of your point of view on the question, supported by the required readings.Discipline Without Stress Middle School Principal”Do you need a similar assignment done for you from scratch? We have qualified writers to help you with a guaranteed plagiarism-free A+ quality paper.

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