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discuss how the historical context impacted the topic for instance what was happening in the world area society around the event that impacted how it occurred



Research Question: [Revised research question from Topic Exploration Worksheet.] Introduction [Three- to five-sentence discussion of background information about your historical event to capture the interest of your audience.] [Two- to three-sentence thesis statement based on your research question that addresses your historical event and explains how your event has been influenced by historical context.] [Two- to three-sentence explanation of how you will use the primary and secondary sources you listed in the Research Plan in your hypothetical research paper.] Historical Context: [Three- to five-sentence explanation of your eventâ€s historical context, citing sources one and two.] Impact of Historical Context: [Three- to five-sentence discussion of how historical context impacted your event, citing sources one and two.]
APARTHEID 46 YEARS IN 90 SECONDS – BBC NEWS [Video file]. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2f2k6iDFCL4 Ballard, R. (2005). Social movements in post-apartheid South Africa: an introduction. Democratizing Development: The politics of socio-economic rights in South Africa, 77-100. Brink, A. (1998). Writing South Africa: Literature, Apartheid, and democracy, 1970-1995. Cambridge University Press. Clark, N. L., & Worger, W. H. (2013). South Africa: The rise and fall of Apartheid. Routledge. Landman, K. (2006). Privatizing public space in post-apartheid South African cities through neighborhood enclosures. GeoJournal, 66(1-2), 133-146. Ahuja, M. (2013, December 5). Remembering Nelson Mandela:’An ideal for which I am prepared to die’. Retrieved from www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/special/world/nelson-mandela-rivonia-trial-speech/m/ Newbury, D. (2009). Defiant Images: Photography and Apartheid South Africa. Unisa Press. Rossier, N. (2011). An interview With F.W. De Klerk, the last apartheid President of South Africa. Retrieved from https://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_822481

Write your introduction. A. Write your introduction. Be sure to incorporate your background information and to conclude with your research question. B. Based on your primary and secondary source research, turn your research question into a thesis statement that addresses your topic and how it has been influenced by its historical context. II. Use primary and secondary sources that address the historical context of your topics to respond to the following critical elements. Be sure to cite your information using the most recent version of APA guidelines. Based on the sources you have selected, address the following questions: A. Summarize the topic using primary and secondary sources. In other words, what was going on in the world/area/society around the event? B. Discuss how the historical context impacted the topic. For instance, what was happening in the world/area/society around the event that impacted how it occurred?


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