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  • Discuss (interpret) the descriptive statistics for this variable including why there are or are not extreme values using measures of central tendency and variability to support your rationale, including which measure of central tendency is most meaningful and why

Discuss (interpret) the descriptive statistics for this variable including why there are or are not extreme values using measures of central tendency and variability to support your rationale, including which measure of central tendency is most meaningful and why


Discuss (interpret) the descriptive statistics for this variable including why there are or are not extreme values using measures of central tendency and variability to support your rationale, including which measure of central tendency is most meaningful and why
Univariate Statistics Assignment 1
Simulation of a Research Study Abstract
This data is fictitious and is for the sole purpose of supporting the statistics assignments:
Research Study Abstract:
A group of nursing researchers conducted studies to investigate the implementation of evidence based practice on one nursing unit in a non teaching hospital in Southern Ontario. Investigators collected key demographic data of the nursing personnel The researchers were interested in attitudes towards evidence-based practice and best practice guideline implementation. The nursing unit chose to implement the RNAO Best Practice Guideline: Dementia, Delirium, and Depression (RNAO, 2016). There were 80 nurses on the unit and although implementation of the guideline was a nursing unit project, participation in the study was voluntary and confidential; therefore, not all 80 eligible nurses participated in the study
Prepare your assignment as per APA 6th format, inclusive of a title page, pages numbered, double spaced , reference page etc. DO NOT RECOPY Question format DO NOT INSERT ANSWERS IN POINT FORM; Reference your Salkind text appropriately. Note: all charts and graphs must have a complete title. It is not adequate to use only the variable name for a title. It is not adequate to include chart or graph embedded within a sentence with the chart or graph as the end of the sentence. Follow APA 6th for chart and graphs. Title must convey what the chart is telling the reader. NOTE: do not use a downloaded copy of this word document as the foundation document on which you prepare and submit your paper (to do so may be considered plagiarism).Create your own new word document.

Analyze the participant demographic data for the variables in the questions below.
Question A. Descriptive Analyses total for Question A
Question A i. 2 marks (.25 for each variable includes correct level of measure PLUS rationale supported by reference)

a) Age
b) Age group
c) Gender
d) Professional designation
e) Perceived relevance of research evidence to practice score
f) Attitude towards change score
g) Employment category
h) Years of nursing experience

Question A ii.
For the variable ‘Attitude towards change score’ calculate and cut and paste the excel outputs for the three measures of central tendency. All three measures of central tendency must be calculated and identified for full marks. (No partial marks) Please include the total count in each table

Question A iii.
For the variable ‘age’ calculate, and cut and paste the excel outputs for the three measures of central tendency . All three measures of central tendency must be calculated and identified for full marks. For the variable ‘age group’ create

a) a frequency distribution chart
b) a bar chart

The bins and the variables with counts per group have been created for you on excel data set. Each chart must include labels and/or a legend to identify clearly the variables and groups for full marks.
Question A iv.
For the variable: ‘years of nursing experience’, calculate the three measures of central tendency
AND 3 measures of variability and cut and paste the excel outputs. You must be clear in your answer which measures are for central tendency and which are for variability to get full marks
Discuss why there are, or are not, extreme values using measures of central tendency and variability to support your rationale discuss (interpret) the central tendency and variability for this variable, including which measure of central tendency is most meaningful and why. If there are extreme scores, identify scores that are extreme.

Question A v.
For the variable ‘perceived relevance of clinical expertise to best practice’ calculate the three measures of central tendency AND 3 measures of variability and cut and paste the excel outputs. You must be clear in your answer which measures are for central tendency and which are for variability to get full marks
Discuss (interpret) the descriptive statistics for this variable including why there are or are not extreme values using measures of central tendency and variability to support your rationale, including which measure of central tendency is most meaningful and why. If there are extreme scores, identify extreme scores. (Interpretation = what does this data analysis tell us so far about this sample) (Please show the calculation for extreme scores )
Question A vi.

For the variables ‘years of nursing experience’ and ‘perceived relevance of clinical expertise to best practice’ create frequency distribution charts and histograms. Charts must include labels and/or a legend to identify clearly the variables and groups for full marks.
b) Create a column or bar chart for the variables ‘gender’ and ‘professional designation’ state the level of measures for each and provide the rationale with reference to support.

Question B. Interpretation of Analyses

Discuss (interpret) the descriptive statistics for the concept age, as analyzed by the previous two variables (‘age’ and ‘age group’) for this sample.
What might be some implications with regards to the concepts ‘age’ and ‘Attitude towards change score’ as measured by the three (3) variables in this assignment analysis for a) research and b) nursing practice?

With ALL analyzed descriptive data in this assignment, describe this sample, in words.

What might be some implications regarding all variables from the data analysis of this sample of nurses for a) research and b) nursing practice?( 2 marks for iv)

Use the attached statistics assignment excel data set and data dictionary. You may use any excel version. This is fictional data.
Question A Descriptive
Question B Interpretation of Analysis
References Use the below references please

Woo, K. (2019). Polit and Beck. Canadian Essentials of Nursing Research, 4th Edition. Wolters Kluwer: Philadelphia.P.489-491
Registered Nurses Association of Ontario. (2002). Establishing therapeutic relationship. Retrieved October 1, 2018 from https://rnao.ca/bpg/guidelines/establishing-therapeutic-relationships
Salkind, N. J. (2017). Statistics for people who (think they) hate statistics: The excel 4th edition.
California: Sage Publications. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

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