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Diseases and mechanisms of Urogenital tract


Please discuss the mechanisms that Neisseria gonorrheae, E. coli, Staphylococcus saprophyticus and HIV utilize to cause disease in the urogenital tract. You must state what disease these microorganisms cause. In addition, please list and explain the host immune defenses that the microbe would have to overcome to be successful at causing disease. Include in your discussion the basic differences between the female and male urogenital, which could play a role in the success of these microbes to cause disease. Also, please discuss the association between normal flora and urogential infections, and the role of the port of entry and exit for the microbes to establish successful infections. Please include methods to prevent these microorganisms from disease. In addition, please include on HIV’s ability to use reverse transcription and integration into the host’s genome.

Essay must be detailed and address each question and discussion point in an original manner, but with good depth of understanding. Please use proper grammar and research and include references. Thank you.

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