Diversity journal paper


This week you examined forms and effects of microaggressions, read about four specific “isms,” and wrote about issues related to prejudice and discrimination. Now think again of ways in which any of these topics may have influenced the way you perceive yourself. Reflect on what you learned about any of the “isms” and determine in what ways any or all of them (i.e., racism, classism, ableism, and religion-ism) have influenced your professional and personal life. Then analyze in what ways these experiences are reflected in whom you are today.

Title this assignment: Diversity Profile—Week 4 and complete the following:

  • In response to the question “Who Am I,” add three new insights about:
    • Your personal experience with microaggressions or with having witnessed microaggressions
    • Your attitudes towards racism, classism, ableism, and/or religion-ism
    • Your personal experiences with any of these “-isms”
  • Review the list you created for your “Diversity Profile” last week with this week’s insights in mind. Then decide if the words and phrases you used to describe your social identities are still adequate. Change, delete, add to, or keep the list as is.

    Article to be used
    Ford, A. R. (2009). It’s not just about racism, but ableism. Diverse: Issues in Higher Education, 26(4), 16.

    Margles, S., & Margles, R. M. (2010). Inverting racism’s distortions. Our Schools/Our Selves, 19(3), 137–149.

    Schwartz, M. A. (2010). Disability angst. The search for belonging—filling the hole in my soul. The search for belonging—filling the hole in my soul. International Journal of Leadership in Public Services, Suppl. 6(21–2

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