Drug Administration Discussion.


Drug Administration Discussion.

Drug Administration Discussion.


Austin knurr

My weight in pounds is 151. 151 converted to kilograms is 68.4924. Rounding up to 68.5 will equal 137ml for my dosage of contrast. Radiocontrast media (RCM) are medical drugs used to improve the visibility of internal organs and structures in X-ray based imaging techniques. They may have side effects ranging from itching to a life-threatening emergency, known as contrast-induced nephropathy. It is important to verify allergies with patients and to always grab a new set of vitals and weight before giving weight sensitive drugs. It looks like many of us in the class have similar doses.

-David Ropp

Contrast media is injected into an individual’s body to help improve a clinician’s ability to see a specific area. As for every other form of medication, when it is placed I an individual’s body, there must be the process of metabolization an excretion. This is where there is major importance in the determination of dosing. Contrast is nephrotoxic in nature, which holds the potential for acute or long-term impairment (Beckett, Moriarity, & Langer, 2015). In the case of determining the dose that is appropriate, weight is the main determining factor I am 73.2 kg, therefore in the formula based off 2mL/kg, an individual of my stature would be prescribed a dose of 146.4 mLs.



-Kendra Kasuboski

I believe the correct method for administering medication is called the five rights as it is given in the term, it is their right to get proper, safe, and fair treatment. The correct method includes it being the right patient, always verify with name and DOB. Ensure the right drug is being administered at the right time and given as the right dose. This can be done by ensuring previous doses haven’t been given too close to the administering dose and by triple checking it is the right drug in your hand that is being compared to the MAR prior to administration. While reading the MAR, it should be triple checked that this right medication is being given the right way. Often times mediations come in vials and should always be checked for IV, IM, SL, or PO routes. These are the “five rights” for patients and their drug administration safety. Patients also have the right to refuse and should not be given medications they do not wish to receive, given typical circumstances.

-Stacie Maigue

I believe it is called the Five Rights because for each of the five things you are checking, you are making sure you have the “right” or correct thing. You look at the drug and make sure it is the right drug, next is the dose to make sure it is right, then the right time, right route, and lastly, the right patient. All of these safety measures help to limit and prevent medications errors and harm. These Five Rights help to ensure you have the 5 right things before administering medications.

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