Discussion 1
Due to the remarkable raise and advancement of technology, lots of large companies are moving forward to digitalize and virtualize how they do business internally and externally, such as virtual teams. Moreover, one of the virtual team advantages is the ability for a company to create the dream team without boundaries as it eliminates the element of desistance, core knowledge and skills limitation. With all these wonderful components there are many issues and might have a large negative impact to the whole process of creating a virtual team and working as and within a virtual team. These concerns can be outlined as the following:
- Communication
- Trust
- Productivity
- Define each negative factor and explain why it is an issue.
- Outline 2 solutions for each of the presented issues.
Discussion 2
During the Covid-19 pandemic and based on its nature, a great deal of businesses has been impacted. Further, due to Covid-19 rapid outbreak, working from home and the limitation of travel become vital and critical to limit the spread of the virus as well as the safety of people. Thus, digital transformation and E-management showcased its importance and great value in this kind of situation. This pandemic forced companies and corporations to highly depend on digital technology and E-management practices as millions of people are working remotely from homes.
Based on your understanding, you are required to provide Five factors that are advantageous and beneficial for companies to consider during the pandemic, and the procedures taken to keep its business alive. Remember to answer through a perspective of e-management.
answer must be supported by different resources.
the discussion must be supported by evidence and resources. Otherwise, your answer will not be accepted
At least 2 references sources for each discussion.
copying and plagiarism not allowed at all
Ensure that you follow the APA style in each discussion
discussion report length should be between 400-500 words for each discussion
must have a perfect structure of assignment. Structure includes these free of spelling and grammar , referencing and word count.
Separate the references from each other for each part