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Easy test from the reading material you could do in 24 hours ( Minimum requirement: 80%)


Open exam, unlimited time, you have two attempts. Please remember to save your answers as you go, and to hit “save and submit” at the end. Written responses are “short answer” and only require two or three sentences at most.

You need to read a total of four materials

1. Ford, T. (2015, August 7). My life without gender. The Guardian.

2.Enke, A.F. (2013). The education of little cis: Cisgender and the discipline of opposing bodies. In S. Stryker & A. Aizura (eds.), The transgender studies reader 2. (pp. 234-247). New York: Routledge.

3. Fausto-Sterling, A. (1993) The five sexes. Sciences, 33(2), 20-24.

4.Chase, C. (1998). Hermaphrodites with attitude: Mapping the emergence of intersex political activism. GLQ 4(2), pp. 189-211.

I’ve put them all in order in this link below and you can go ahead and read it.The exam questions are all from inside

Link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1SAdPJOeiwh…

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