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Education 639 project based learning


Family & Community Project-Based

Project-based learning is an instructional
method that engages the learner in developing inquiry and critical thinking
skills about a particular topic. Including families and the community is
critical to providing a multicultural learning experience that is applicable and
relevant. One way to do this is through project based learning (PBL) where
students engage in critical thinking to address real world issues that face
their community. This provides an opportunity for students to create meaningful
connections between culture, community, and themselves. In this assignment, you
will have the opportunity to create a project using this

Assignment Instructions
Using the
following template as a guide, create a culturally responsive project for the
grade level of your choice that includes parent and community

  • Hall, J. (2009). Family ties. Teach 21 Project Based
    . Retrieved
    from http://wveis.k12.wv.us/teach21/public/project/Guide_print.cfm?upid=3502&tsele1=4&tsele2=100

You may choose to construct this assignment in a table as seen in the
template or create separate sections with headings in an essay-format

Your Project must include:

  1. Project

  2. Content Standard &
    Objectives: At least one of each:
    • Common Core State Standard
    • NETS-T
    • Learning Outcomes/Objectives

  3. Class demographics
    description: This can either be fictionalized or an outline of your
    current classroom but you must include a description of at least two students
    with a recognized disability and a description of two ELL students

  4. Project idea: A
    brief summary of your project including previous learning that occurred (prior
    knowledge) before the project and how the project represents

  5. Process
    Description: Write step-by-step directions (see Manage the Process
    section of template) for this project that you would allow you to follow during
    instruction and present requirements for your identified class to follow.
    Remember to use concise language, detailed directions, and as much information
    as possible as you want to make sure your students complete this project exactly
    as you intended and envisioned.

    Your student directions must

    • How parents will be involved in the project 
    • How students will connect with their community
    • How technology will be incorporated either in their project
      search or project presentation
    • How the project aligns with standards and

  6. Project
    Evaluation/Evidence of Success:
    • How will students demonstrate mastery of the learning objective
    • How will you measure the student’s success at meeting each
      outcome and learning objective? Go beyond merely referring to the rubric you
      will create.

  7. Student
    • Create a rubric that will evaluate the group’s presentation
      (*You may use RubiStar to develop the rubric or develop your own grading
    • Create a separate rubric that will evaluate each student’s
      individual participation and level of mastery within the

  8. Personal
    Reflection: Explain in one page how this project addresses real world
    issues that face their community as well as how it provides an opportunity for
    students to create meaningful connections between culture, community, and
    themselves and the role technology plays.

*If you create a project based off of a lesson or project you
researched or previously used, you must GIVE CREDIT and include in your personal
reflection what changes you made to the existing project (there must be changes,
you cannot simply recycle something you’ve found) and how it improves student


  1. Page
    Requirement: 11-16 pages, not including title and references

  2. APA Formatting:
    Use APA formatting consistently throughout the paper. It is recommended you use
    the content area labels as headings for each section of your content for the
  3. Syntax and
    Mechanics: Display meticulous comprehension and organization of syntax
    and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Your written work should contains
    no errors and be very easy to understand.

  4. Source
    Requirement: Uses no less than two scholarly sources in addition to the
    Wardle (2013) textbooks, providing compelling evidence to support ideas, and if
    applicable, reference to original project if enhancement of existing project
    occurred. All sources on the reference page need to be used and cited correctly
    within the body of the assignment.

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