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English 103: Essay 4—Research Paper


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English 103: Essay 4—Research PaperIn the Research Paper, you will further develop, revise, and build upon the single perspective argument you have been developing all semester. Your final assignment should demonstrate your ability to apply the principles of argument discussed in the class throughout the semester and it should demonstrate your ability to use critical thinking when discussing a controversial issue.Directions:Prepare an 8-10 page research essay that builds upon the single perspective argument paper. The purpose of this assignment is to build upon what you have already created in the course. Therefore, the introduction of your research paper should be drawn from your Exploratory Paper, laying the foundation for the reader by presenting all sides of the issue, the exigence, etc. The body should be drawn from the Position Paper, which incorporates research to support your claim and sub-claims. Obviously, you cannot include the entire portion of each of the previous papers, and your final research paper should show that you’ve developed areas requiring development and made significant revisions to those sections of your papers requiring revision. The idea is to pull sections and points from previous essays. Use comments from me to revise those papers as you incorporate portions of them into this final project.In addition to revising/developing the exploratory and position papers to serve as the introduction and body of the research paper, you will write an extended conclusion in which you focus on a viable solution and/or conclusion to the issue. For the conclusion, provide a means of solving the problem indicated by your topic. Consider the audience, establish common ground, and provide details for how to implement the solution. For example, if the position paper argued that bilingual education is necessary in California schools, the solution would discuss how to implement bilingual education programs in our California schools. Your conclusion should be 2-3 substantial paragraphs.The Research Paper should include all of the following components:1) The essay, while presenting your perspective on the issue, should be presented objectively. This means you will present the information in as fair and unbiased way as possible, without use of first person point of view.2) The essay must include a minimum of eight scholarly/academic sources (encyclopedias and dictionaries do not count.) These sources must be accurately cited in the paper. You should have a variety of sources (articles from journals, newspapers, magazines, books, websites). The majority of your Internet sources should be from academic/scholarly journals accessed in the college library databases (EBSCOHost).3) The essay should be a minimum of eight to ten pages of text (this does not include the Works Cited page or any space devoted to titles/graphs/images, etc.)4) The essay must have a complete and accurate Works Cited page—formatted according to MLA guidelines.5) The essay should adhere to these formatting/composition guidelines: Your research paper should be typed in a 10-12 point font, double-spaced, with one-inch margins on all sides. Your essay should follow MLA documentation format; refer to the handout titled “MLA Documentation Style.” Your essay should have a titled that reflects the argument/content of the paper–centered at top of first page. (Save your document as a “Word” (.doc) file and upload your essay to the assignment area in Blackboard by the due date/time.)Grading Criteria:Your essays will be evaluated for the following: strength of argument, development of claim, thoroughness of research, writing ability, completeness of the writing process, meeting the requirements of the assignment, improvement in writing and argument skills relative to previous papers.Important Note on Plagiarism:All of the final research papers will be submitted to turnitin.com (a plagiarism detection website.) It is therefore imperative that you document your sources accurately. If you borrow information from a source, it must be attributed. If you use the exact words of a source, the language must be put inside quotation marks. If you paraphrase a source, it must be attributed, and the sources original words/language must be translated into your own words. If you have any questions about documenting sources, please ask them before you submit your final papers.The post English 103: Essay 4—Research Paper appeared first on Lion Essays. “Looking for a Similar Assignment? Get Expert Help at an Amazing Discount!”English 103: Essay 4—Research Paper was first posted on May 19, 2019 at 6:31 pm.©2019 “Lion Essays”. Use of this feed is for personal non-commercial use only. If you are not reading this article in your feed reader, then the site is guilty of copyright infringement. Please contact me at support@Lion Essays.com”Do you need a similar assignment done for you from scratch? We have qualified writers to help you with a guaranteed plagiarism-free A+ quality paper.

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