English Question


Your final project, due no later than May 12, must contain the following components,
collected in a file:
a. Your first short (graded) chapter.
b. a sentence outline
c. At least one complete rough copy which is significantly different from your final copy
d. Works Cited
h. Final copy of 7-9 pages (including the Bibliography)
Follow the MLA format for all citations and your bibliography!
2. In addition to Sula, you must use at least four secondary sources. These must consist of
scholarly articles (from JSTOR, PRoject Muse or journals) or books from the library. Other
internet sources, unless they have been approved by me beforehand, are not acceptable. You
may also cite other texts by Toni Morrison or other relevant authors. Although most of your
sources must address the novel, you may use one or two sources which deal with topics
related to your project but not to the novel. 1)Thesis, Sentence Outline, and March 22, 2021
2)Rough Copy May 1, 20201
3)Final Copy May 12, 2021. These are some helpful tools:
1) Prompts: https://www.gradesaver.com/sula/study-guide/essay-…
2)Instructions for integrating quotations:http://facultyweb.ivcc.edu/rrambo/eng1001/quotes.h…
3) Papers must be a minimum of seven pages. Format: 7-9 pages, double-spaced, font size 12, one inch

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