Envisioning Your Research



Mathiassen argues that while applied research “affords researchers an opportunity to contribute to practical problem solving while also developing new theoretical insights,” such projects can present researchers hurdles as they bring academic methodology to new professional contexts (p. 17). He suggests that students take time to define their key project parameters and then continue to revise these parameters “iteratively” as new stages of the research process present new challenges or considerations.

Using Mathiassen’s table, “Components of Engaged Scholarship Research” (p. 20), you will outline your project as you currently envision it. You should be detailed in your table, but you should balance thoroughness with honesty. We are in the first week of the term: if there is a parameter that you cannot fully describe, be frank about this challenge. A confident, thorough description of a given parameter is welcome, but so too is a discussion of the hunches, questions, or concerns you might have with the given aspect of your project. Few students will have fully developed parameters.

Article https://commons.case.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1000&context=emr

See the screen shot for table sample (Table 1: Components of Engaged Scholarship Research)

Then use this template ; ANSWER THE questions

Research question(s) being investigated:

Short working title for project:

Mathiassen’s table, completed for your project:



Your project


The problem setting represents people’s concerns in a real-world problematic situation.


The area of concern represents some body of knowledge in the literature that relates to P.


The conceptual framing helps structure collection and analyses of data from P to answer RQ; FA draws on concepts from A, whereas F1 draws on concepts independent of A.


The method details the approach to empirical inquiry, specifically, to data collection and analysis.


The research question relates to P, opens for research into A, and helps to ensure the research design is coherent and consistent.


Contributions influence P and A, and possibly also F and M.



Note: Adapted from Mathiassen et al., 2012

Explanation ,addressing:

1. Which elements are you most confident about at this early point in the term?

2. Which elements will require more time to develop and articulate?

3. What will be your plan for developing these elements? What strategies might guide the early stages of your research? question(s) being investigated:

Notes: If required a specific area/topic. Please select anything about “ gerontology , nursing homes, or elder care /longterm care

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