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ES 274 Purdue University Indigenous Eco Philosophy Reflection Paper


“The Indigenous eco-philosophy that underlies the ability of Indigenous peoples to maintain dignified relationships to the land and food system is in sharp contrast to the Eurocentric belief, inherent in the worldview proposed by European philosopher Rene Descartes, that humans are to dominate and control nature, and therefore seek to “manage” the land that provides us with our food. Indigenous eco-philosophy reinforces belief that humans do not manage land, but instead can only manage our behaviours in relation to it.”


After reading the above quote, please write a 500 word reflection (~1 single spaced page). You will use the “compass” method of reflection which looks in four “directions” as you write. Please include an introduction and a conclusion, and label each of the four sections.


How do you feel about the quote provided? Does the quote make you think about anything in particular, an event, or a personal experience? Does the quote reflect or contradict any of your own personal values?


Choose one of the other modules we have covered in the course so far that you feel is connected to this quote in some way. Which module did you choose, and why?


What implications does the approach in this quote have for people, animals, and the environment?


Does this quote give you a new understanding of an Indigenous perspective? Do you think this will change anything for you?

Please note: This is not a test, it is a reflection. You do not need to write the right answers, but it is important to write a quality reflection that you have given some thought to.

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