Essay on the following narrative please see the instructions and template:Objective 3: The professional nurse demonstrates competence in safe, timely provision of technical skills while also providing age-appropriate, culturally meaningful education/materials to patients and/or their significant others.1. Put your name in the header of the objective narrative.2. Paste the specific objective description at the top of the page both by number and complete description.· Focus on what you do in your nursing practice in your narrative statement. What has allowed you to meet the stated objective? Provide examples, follow the suggestions given, and work for depth of thinking (all narrative requirements must be addressed).· Investigate the evolution of your thinking on the meaning of competence in safe, timely provision of technical skills while also providing age-appropriate, culturally meaningful education/materials for the patient and the patient’s significant others.· Present examples from your nursing practice that illustrate this process and where you are at the present time in this process.· Explore the meaning of technical skills and age-appropriate nursing care.· Provide specific examples of how your practice exemplifies safety and timely provision of technical skills in nursing care.3. In your final summary paragraph, describe how the documents you will list in your Table of Contents help demonstrate that you have mastered the competency listed in this objective. For instance, “My RN license is essential to my ability to gain experience in my field and assures that I meet the basic knowledge and skill requirements for patient safety.”4. At the end of your document, please include a Table of Contents listing all thesupporting documents that apply to the objective. You may use the documents several times over the course of the entire Portfolio but you will only need to upload them once (with the possible exception of your current license and updated Resume). However, with each narrative, it is expected that you will describe how each document helps support the fact that you have met this specific objective.5. List references in APA format if you have cited any in the body of the narrative.My ideas: I would like to include the example of a 11 day old child (Amanda) coming into the ER as resuscitative efforts were being preformed. It could descripe the efforts of staff proforming CPR, giving epinephrine, and updating family during the breif two hours the child was cared for at our hospital. Amanda was found unresponsive by her mother at home following a visit to the clinic for poorly feeding and during the initial hospital stay she failed two pulse oximetry tests. My role was to record the time and information such as medication given, CPR efforts and other intrventions. During the resusation it was also my role to update the family on the progess of her care. I was informed by the doctor briefly as to what to say and then would return with their questions. Later the family found out the baby had coarctation of the aeorta, and a stent could have prevent the event if detected earlier. If another example is needed I do float to post- partum care on OB, this experience has impacted me greatly to question if their 24hr tests come back abnormal to have the doctor review and follow the recommendations.For table of contents: I would like to include the information from a paper about Paul Kalanithi, incorportating Paul’s conculsion that death affects not only the person who passed on but everyone they influenced in their lives. Kalanithi illuminates these ideas by “guiding a patient (and) family to an understanding of death or illness” (2016, p. 86) because he had the understanding that everyone will experience death. Another thought is to include the idea that through each experience health care practitioners understand more about how the patients feel and their experience in the hospital. It can have many advantages, knowledge of new treatments, and awareness of signs and symptoms to look for within the diagnosis they face with various ages of patients. I would add resume- PALS certified, Orientation checklist for charge nurse- demonstates competence and familiarity with drugs and doses for all age groups. Adding information from the college core values.Please see Objective 3-15 Template for further information.