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  • ESSAY TOPIC The Covid-19 pandemic has put health in the focus of society. At the

ESSAY TOPIC The Covid-19 pandemic has put health in the focus of society. At the



ESSAY TOPICThe Covid-19 pandemic has put health in the focus of society. At the same time, obesityand related cardiovascular diseases are increasing worldwide. Policy makers are strugglingto convince a large group of consumers to eat healthier, exercise and to reduce stress formental health.Write a research proposal for a study investigating how consumers can be motivated to livehealthier. For your study, focus on one dimension of healthy living or health behavior. Useconsumer behavior theories as theoretical background.GUIDELINESo Language: Englisho Style: Research proposal, please base your work on an appropriate number of scientificsources and include a bibliographyo Quoting style: your choice, please use one quoting style consistentlyo Font: Times New Romano Font Size: 12o Word count: min. 1500 and max. 2000 wordso Margins: 2 cmo Line spacing: 1.5The Essay will be evaluated based on the followingcriteria, the maximum point score for the essay is 40 points:– Ability of scientific-logical reasoning (max. 20 points)– Classification of economic-technical facts (max. 10 points)– English-language expressiveness (max. 10 points)

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