

1.Find three articles (in newspapers, journals, or online) that discuss the value, soundness, or impact of online education. Write a brief (1½- to 2-page) summary of these articles in which you describe their points of view. Begin with an introductory paragraph. In the body, summarize each article in a paragraph and highlight at least three points made by the author. End your summary with a statement about what you can conclude about the impact of online education based on these articles. Be sure to include at least one direct quotation from each article. Include a “Works Cited” page, and be as accurate as possible. The grading standards for this activity will not be as stringent as those in Module 2 and onward, but you are expected to show familiarity with either APA or MLA style. (Choose one style or the other and use it consistently in the activity.) Your mentor’s comments on this activity will aid your accuracy in later modules. Your grade will be based on evidence that you have read and understood the articles and can summarize their points in an organized manner as well as on a demonstrated familiarity with the basics of either MLA or APA style.This assignment must be submitted to Reference the “Turnitin Requirement” section of the course Syllabus for general instructions. Upload both your assignment and the originality report to the Written Assignment 1 assignment link.

2. Think about the research process you used to complete Written Assignment 1. Use the following questions to frame your response:

  • Where did you choose to do research?

  • What sources did you consult?

  • What search engines did you use? Provide a list of your search terms.

  • Did you use any databases for your research in Assignment 1? If so, which? If not, use a database to research the subject you chose and report on the results. You have access to a number of databases through the Research Resources tab on the main course page.

  • Did you reject any of the sources you found? If, why?

Present your response in a fully developed informative essay, complete with an introduction and conclusion

3. Choose a topic and write a short research proposal for your research paper. You may choose your own topic; your mentor will approve or suggest changes to your topic choice as a response to this proposal. If you feel unsure about choosing a topic, contact your mentor before this assignment is due.

In your proposal, be sure to include the following:

  1. Your purpose in writing the paper
  2. Your reason for choosing your particular topic: Why does it interest you?
  3. Your intended audience
  4. Your position as the writer
  5. Your preliminary thesis

4. Use both the library and the Internet to compile a working bibliography of ten sources for your research paper topic. Use either the MLA or the APA form, but do NOT mix the two in your bibliography. Please note that if you use some sort of citation tool for the citation itself, you remain responsible for making sure that the citation you submit is completely accurate. These types of tools can be helpful, but they are not foolproof.

5. Prepare a detailed outline for your research paper and send it to your mentor. Be sure to review the material on outline development in Research for Writers, Chapter 5.

6. Click the following link, and read through the list of topics: Topics for an Argumentative Essay. Choose one of the topics given, write an argumentative thesis, and support the thesis in a four- to six-paragraph argumentative essay.

7. After carefully revising and rewriting your research paper’s thesis sentence (created in Written Assignment 3), include it in a carefully written introduction.

In addition, write a correctly documented body paragraph for your research paper that integrates source material from one of your note cards. Be sure to use the style (MLA or APA) appropriate for your subject.

8. Complete your Works Cited page, listing every source you actually use and credit in your current draft. Be sure to use the style (MLA or APA) appropriate for your subject.

9. Select three (3) consecutive body paragraphs (you may not include your introduction) from the current draft of your research paper. Revise those paragraphs by adding, deleting, and moving material around until you are satisfied with them. Check that they are carefully and correctly documented (MLA or APA). Note all of your revisions and write a paragraph or two explaining the changes.

10. Complete a final clean, revised, documented (MLA or APA) research paper. Submit your final research paper to your mentor.

Remember that your research paper should consist of between 5 and 10 pages of text. In addition to these pages, please include a cover page and a Works Cited page. The Works Cited page must include a minimum of 5 sources.


1.Answer the following essay questions. Each response should reflect your reading of the assigned materials and your listening to the audiotape or viewing of the video program (as applicable). Mastery of the principles on which your response is based must be evident by your indication of which principle you are using and why you have selected this principle to support your response.

  1. Write a 750-word paper about Thucydides versus Plato on the nature of the Good Life. Some have claimed that Thucydides is making empirical claims, whereas Plato is making normative claims. Is that true? Support your answer in your paper.
  2. Write a 750-word paper on the biblical view of science, technology, and the business world. Back up your conclusions with examples from your reading. How do you think the eighteenth-century world that gave rise to the Utilitarians reacted to the biblical view?

2. Answer the following essay questions. Each response should be approximately 750 words in length (about three typed pages, double-spaced) and should reflect your reading of the assigned materials and your listening to the audiotape or viewing of the video program (as applicable). Mastery of the principles on which your response is based must be evident by your indication of which principle you are using and why you have selected this principle to support your response.

Essay Questions

  1. Is there a contradiction between our demand that our children be honest and moral persons and our demand that they be successful? Present the argument that there is a contradiction, and see if you can answer it.
  2. Does one who kills another “deserve” to die? Why or why not? Are there circumstances that would change your answer? Make two lists (perhaps using a table with two columns). In one column, list the circumstances in which a killer would deserve to die; in the other, list circumstances in which a killer would NOT deserve to die. Now analyze factors that set the two lists apart, such as:
    • Qualities of the killer?
    • Previous circumstances or actions of the victim?
    • Qualities of the victim?
    • Qualities of the intention behind the act?
    • Features of the society in which the killing takes place?
    • Calculations of the likely consequences of assigning that particular penalty to that kind of act?
    • What does the exercise tell you about your tendency to rely on deontological or utilitarian reasoning? What does it tell you about your sense of the sacredness of human life?

3. Answer the following essay questions. Each response should be approximately 750 words in length (about three typed pages, double-spaced) and should reflect your reading of the assigned materials and your listening to the audiotape or viewing of the video program (as applicable). Mastery of the principles on which your response is based must be evident by your indication of which principle you are using and why you have selected this principle to support your response.

Essay Questions

  1. Can you show how Jefferson’s theory of revolution (found in its shortest form in the Declaration of Independence) follows from John Locke’s theory of government? Could it follow from Hobbes’s theory of government? Under what circumstances?
  2. Where does patient autonomy leave off and professional expertise begin in the practice of medicine? In the video presentation “Does Doctor Know Best?” (Program 4), one physician is delighted to encourage the patient to question physician judgment, to make her (the patient’s) own decision, to take treatment into her own hands. Another physician argues that such deference is just “catering” or “pandering” to the patient and will delay treatment. What do you think?

4. Answer the following essay questions. Each response should be approximately 750 words in length (about three typed pages, double-spaced) and should reflect your reading of the assigned materials and your listening to the audiotape or viewing of the video program (as applicable). Mastery of the principles on which your response is based must be evident by your indication of which principle you are using and why you have selected this principle to support your response.

Essay Questions

  1. Epictetus (see Source Reader, p. 88) asserts that the keeping of a secret is the most obvious exercise of free choice, since the choice of whether to reveal the secret is clearly within your power. Another person can imprison you, of course, if you will not tell, and even kill you, but no one can make you reveal the secret. What do you think are the limits of human freedom? What might make it IMPOSSIBLE for a person to keep a secret? (You may consider historical examples in your answer to this question.)
  2. You are an assistant in a storefront legal office, a summer employee planning to enter law school in the fall. You are assigned to do the initial interview of a new walk-in client. The client wants to sue her landlord for negligence in connection with severe injuries she sustained on the staircase in her apartment house. However, you quickly find out that the injuries are fictional. You know that the tendency in these cases is for the client to collect a small amount anyway (it’s cheaper for the landlord to pay off than to fight). One way that your office stays in business is on its share of just such suits. What do you tell the client? What do you tell the attorneys.

5. Answer the following essay questions. Each response should be approximately 750 words in length (about three typed pages, double-spaced) and should reflect your reading of the assigned materials and your listening to the audiotape or viewing of the video program (as applicable). Mastery of the principles on which your response is based must be evident by your indication of which principle you are using and why you have selected this principle to support your response.

Essay Questions

  1. Chapter 11 in the Study Guide focuses only on the ethical dilemmas in testing drugs on human beings. How are those dilemmas changed—made easier or made more difficult—when the issue shifts to testing drugs on animals? Focus your answer by addressing the major ethical dilemmas presented in this lesson.
  2. What legal invasions of privacy would you be willing to justify in the name of public policy? Would you be able to defend surveillance for the purpose of:
    • Making sure that people stay within the law?
    • Making sure that people are behaving themselves morally?
    • Making sure that people are healthy?
    • Making sure that people are happy?

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