a brief 1-page comparison of the legal codes of two distinct
cultures in your local community, state, or nation related to gift giving. (You
also may choose an international comparison if both cultures are familiar to
you.) Then, explain the influence of culture on the ethics of gift-giving
practices. Finally, explain how you might resolve any potential conflicts among
personal, professional, or legal ethical codes regarding the acceptance of
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public service: Comparative successes and lessons. Retrieved fromhttp://www.oecd.org/mena/governance/35521418.pdf
National Conference of
State Legislatures. (2013). Ethics: Legislator gift restrictions overview.
Retrieved November 19, 2013, from http://www.ncsl.org/research/ethics/50-state-table-gift-laws.aspx
National Organization
for Human Services (NOHS) Ethical Codes. Retrieved fromhttp://www.nationalhumanservices.org/ethical-standards-for-hs-professionals
Organisation for
Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). (n.d.). Ethics codes and codes of
conduct in OECD countries.Retrieved November 19, 2013, fromhttp://www.oecd.org/gov/ethics/ethicscodesandcodesofconductinoecdcountries.htm
Schultz, D. (2010).
Ethics regulation across professions: The problem of gifting. Public Integrity, 12(2),
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