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  • Evaluate my essay/ about 300 words answering all questions

Evaluate my essay/ about 300 words answering all questions



  • Is the entire document double-spaced and in proper MLA format with a correct Heading and correct Header. Refer to MLA Template in Course Documents


  • Has your peer constructed a clear thesis in which he/she directly responds to the appropriate prompt?
  • Is it absolutely clear which prompt (Option 1 or 2) he/she has selected?
  • Attached to the thesis, is there a clear plan of development indicating the three literary devices that will be compared/contrasted? The following are some literary devices: theme, characterization, symbolism, plot patterns, plot conflict, point-of-view, irony, hyperbole, foreshadowing…etc?
  • Two (2) Flannery O’Connor short stories must be used as primary sources, one of which must be “A Good Man Is Hard to Find”


Are there six rhetorical précis total?

  • Are there only four sentences in each rhetorical précis?
  • Does each sentence succinctly follow the rhetorical précis formula noted on the Rhetorical Précisinstructional guide, exemplified in the samples, and revisited in my Revision Guide for Rhetorical Précis page? If the author deviates from the formula in any way, please suggest that he/she stick with the required rhetorical précis structure and provide clear suggestions.
  • Does Sentence 1 provide the name of the author, the genre (literary criticism) and title of the work with the date (in parentheses), a rhetorically active verb (states, claims, posits, argues, asserts) followed by a “that” phrase in which the thesis of the work is stated (either paraphrased, quoted, or summed up) in one sentence with a parenthetical citation at the end?
  • Does Sentence 2 provide the rhetorical method(s) of writing used by the author of the literary criticism? Here are some rhetorical modes:
  • narration and description are modes with the primary purpose of stirring the reader’s emotions
  • process,exemplification, cause/effect, comparison/contrast, illustration, definition, and classification/division are methods that help readers understand a subject, explore its functions, causes, consequences, relationships to other subjects, meaning, or nature
  • argumentation and persuasion are methods that seek to change readers’ attitudes or actions with regard to specific subjects
  • Does Sentence 2 include the plan of development of the literary criticism (i.e. the main supporting points used to examine the thesis)?
  • Does Sentence 3 state the purpose of the piece. Why is he/she writing this piece? Also, what effect is the author hoping to inspire within the reader? This is accomplished with an “in order to” phrase. i.e. The purpose of this piece is X in order to Y.

Does Sentence 4 explains the author’s tone (specify tone) and intended audience?


_____ Use the present tense.

_____ Careful and concise use of diction

_____ Good Sentence Structure

_____ Proper use of mechanics (grammar, punctuation marks, sentence structure…etc.)

Eliminate the following:

_____ Free of Spelling errors

_____ Free of Run-ons

_____ Free of Fragments

_____ Free of slang, clichés, sarcasm, or inflammatory language

_____ Avoid contractions

_____ Free of Personal Pronouns, such as you, your(s), yourself, me, I, mine, myself, we, us, our(s), and ourselves

_____ Free of repetition, especially at the beginning of nearby sentences

_____ Free of Pronoun Agreement errors

_____ Free of Subject-Verb Agreement errors

_____ Free of Punctuation errors, such as comma, semi-colon, quotation marks, apostrophes…etc.

_____ Parallel structure with parallel elements in a series (commas must separate three or more elements in a series)

  • Is his/her writing easy to read?
  • What are the main syntactical problems with each summary? Use the checklist provided. Make a list and provide reference web link from previous DB Commentary threads, from Google, or other resources. Making a list and suggesting a solution is a concrete way to help your peer receive the assistance needed with his/her problem areas.


  • Does the first sentence of each précis include a parenthetical citation after the borrowed passage, meaning that within parentheses, you must insert the author’s last name and the page number from which you gathered the passage. If your source does not have a page number, then post the paragraph number. i.e. (Jones 2) or (Jones par. 8)
  • Is there an appropriate parenthetical citation after each directly quoted, paraphrased, or summed up piece of evidence?
  • Is there a full Works Cited page at the end of assignment that contains seven (7) full source entries for your eight sources (one for your O’Connor stories and six for your secondary sources)?
  • Refer to the OWL Purdue Online Writing Lab (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. links as an MLA reference guide.


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