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Explain how your group conducted its formative evaluation, including the measures you took to ensure that your process would be successful


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Explain how your group conducted its formative evaluation, including the measures you took to ensure that your process would be successful and how you addressed any challenges that aroseWe conducted our formative evaluation by assessing the community through websites on the Portsmouth. Included in the web search was; city-data.com, CDC, and Portsmouth.com. One of our group members drove around the city of Portsmouth and evaluated the parks and recreation, transportation, and schools. Through these measures, we compiled our information and decided on our most critical health concern in the community of Portsmouth. As a group we chose childhood obesity. Our plan is to create fliers with health information high-lightening healthy eating, and exercising for the whole family. We also wanted to create a fun project for the children in the school system which promotes healthy eating and exercise. We implemented a poster competition in the schools to get the children excited about being healthy. Working with the community as well as the school system will ensure the process will be successful. Gathering all the statistics to prove that the obesity truly exists in the community will help the city get on board. . TODAY AND GET AN AMAZING DISCOUNT The post Explain how your group conducted its formative evaluation, including the measures you took to ensure that your process would be successful appeared first on Term Paper Tutors.”Do you need a similar assignment done for you from scratch? We have qualified writers to help you with a guaranteed plagiarism-free A+ quality paper.

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