please give some thoughts to the following questions about this course. You should include these thoughts in a final reflection essay about the course. Try to address these questions as best you can. You do not need to answer one by one but weave responses in your essay.
- What were the most important things that you learned from this course?
- What specific tools, messages, tips or guidance that you will apply in your career journey?
- What did you learn about yourself? About others? About the learning process you went through?
- Why do you think these “learnings” stand out for you?
- What were the key elements or experiences of this course that helped you learn these things? Were there key readings, discussions, presentations, fieldwork etc.? How do you think they helped you learn?
- What did you hope to learn from this course that you did not? Why do you think you didn’t learn these things
- What elements of this course do you feel might have stood in the way of your learning?
- Suppose that you will be teaching this course in the future. List and discuss changes you would make in the course.
There is no set word limit for this journal, but you must address every question in order to receive full credit. Please be thorough and thoughtful with your responses as well, because it will help us improve the course in the future.