Hello, I copied and pasted the directions for this essay below. This should not be very difficult as long as you are familiar with the ten lenses of ethical positions. I am fine with you picking any dilemma as long as its believable that I would be aware of it.
Requirements: typed, double-spaced, standard font, standard margins, format left to student choice (MLA, APA or Chicago Style[1]), due on Monday Nov. 22nd by 11:59 PM.
Ethical Dilemma
In a minimum 800 words, find an ethical dilemma from news/current events, literature, film, TV, popular culture, etc. Cite your source and briefly analyze it using ALL TEN of the lenses of the ethical positions we went over last section in class (utilitarianism, deontology {use categorical imperative when applying}, virtue ethics {use the golden mean}, altruism, egoism {analyze with prisoners’ dilemma}, social contract {use the state of nature and their view of law to analyze}, positive law, natural law, relativism and nihilism). Conclude by giving reasons for why YOU side with one of the ethical positions discussed or for a particular blend of positions, or provide your own solution to the dilemma that the ten ethical positions fail to bring up. Be sure to explain your reasoning as thoroughly as possible.