1. Download and fill-out Chart ONE – Data at Rest (hold off on “what to do?” column response for now).
2. Download and fill-out Chart TWO – Data in Motion (hold off on “what to do?” column for now).
3. Go to Resource List for this lab (auxiliary document attached to this lab, along with charts): explore from this list several websites of your choosing, to find information on possible security vulnerabilities for your data; determine if you need to update what you put on the chart, in light of additional things you learned about the how, what, why of security breaches.
4. Next, fill out the “what to do?” column(s) in light of what you’re learning. Include links to the resources/sites that enabled you to figure out what could be done. Be specific.
5. After doing steps 1-4, write a page response or roughly 250-words but no more than 400-words explaining outcomes in narrative form (rather than chart).
6. Underline informational thesis, in which you explain/specify what you learned from this information mapping process about data vulnerabilities in this lab.
7. Include in your response some consideration of how the proposed initiative for your group project leaves you with any concerns or questions about data breaches or security threats, which might make stakeholders distrust your respective group project initiative and could turn into a hidden cost.
8. NOT PART OF WORD COUNT BUT PART OF THE LAB: a short reflection on what you learned and if anything posed difficulties or surprised you in the process of fulfilling this lab.
Please, cite all the sources that you use as APA style.