Fire Protection Systems



  1. Standard response sprinklers with a temperature rating of 155°F and an RTI of 100 (m-sec)1/2 are located under a 15 ft horizontal flat ceiling in a manufacturing facility. The sprinklers are spaced on a 12-ft by 10-ft pattern. Ambient temperature of the facility is approximately 70°F. Diesel fuel spills from a ruptured hydraulic line and forms an unconfined pool with a diameter of approximately 7.5ft. If an ignition source comes in contact with the unconfined spill of hydraulic oil, what is the maximum time from ignition in which a sprinkler would operate?
  2. Calculate the time to sprinkler activation for the situation described in problem #1, except this time use a sprinkler with a temperature rating of 215°F (102°C).
  3. Calculate the time to sprinkler activation for the situation described in problem1/2 #1, except this time use a sprinkler with an RTI of 80 (m-sec) .
  4. Calculate the time to sprinkler activation for the situation described in problem#1, except this time use a sprinkler with a temperature rating of 215°F and an RTI1/2 of 80 (m-sec) .
  5. Calculate the minimum and maximum time to sprinkler activation for a furniture manufacturing facility. Standard response sprinklers spaced on a 12-ft by 10-ft pattern with a temperature rating of 155°F and an RTI of 100 (m-sec)1/2 are used. Assume there is a smooth, flat, horizontal ceiling at a height of 12 ft. The fuel source is a 5 ft high stack of wood pallets that burns as a t-squared fire. Moisture content of the pallets can range from 6% to 12%. Use Alpert’s correlations.
  6. Participate in a discussion board activity commenting on your observations and opinions regarding any differences in sprinkler system activation times among the different scenarios described in problems 1 through 5. Describe why you believe there are or are not differences and the associated reasons.
  7. What is an acceptable density/area for an ordinary hazard group 2 wet pipe sprinkler system utilizing standard response sprinklers under a 13-ft high ceiling? How would the allowable design/area change if quick response sprinklers were used? How would the allowable density/area change if the system was a dry system?
  8. What is an acceptable density/area for a light hazard wet-pipe sprinkler system utilizing quick response sprinklers under a sloped ceiling starting at 20-ft with a roof slope of 22%?
  9. What is an acceptable density/area for an extra hazard group 1 dry-pipe sprinkler system utilizing high temperature sprinklers under a 15-ft high ceiling?
  10. What is an acceptable hydraulic demand for the standpipe and sprinkler system protecting a fully sprinklered 40-story office building? The building contains 2 stairwells in which the combined sprinkler/ Class 1 standpipe risers are located. The area of each floor measures 90,000 sq ft.

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