For Best of Best only: Module 4







Write a response to the following prompt using proper APA Style.




Prompt: You will watch a short sales presentation for an “As Seen on TV” product.




Step 1: Review the information presented in Module 4 that discusses organizing a speech.




Step 2: Select a short infomercial presentation to watch.




  1. Navigate to the following website:

  2. Scroll down to the Best Sellers section.

  3. Select one of the top selling products.

  4. Toward the left side of the screen, there is a Play Video Clip button.  Click the Play button to start the presentation.


    Step 3: Watch the presentation video.


    Step 4: Answer the following questions:



  1. How was the presentation organized?

  2. Do you believe the organization of the presentation was successful?  Explain.

  3. What would you change about the presentation and why?


    Step 5: Save and submit your document.  Remember to use proper APA Style.




    Modules 1 through 4 Homework Assignments will be a continuation of the speech process.  You will construct your speech by answering the following prompt, which will be given at the beginning of each homework assignment.  This is a step-by-step process.  As long as you read the textbook, read the online material, and complete the activities, you will not encounter much difficulty.


    Prompt: Childhood obesity is growing at an increasing rate.  Should fatty foods, such as potato chips, cookies, and soft drinks, be banned from elementary school?  Develop a persuasive speech that argues for or against banning fatty foods from elementary school.  You will construct a traditional, five-paragraph speech (introductory paragraph, 3 body paragraphs, concluding paragraph) that answers this prompt.  The total length of pages should not exceed 3 typed pages.


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