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For “Professor Moses Only ” BIS 221 Week 3


Create a business budget sheet using Microsoft® Excel®. In the budget sheet do the following:

  • Create a label called “Income” and add your monthly business income in the next cell: $42000.
  • Add a label called “Rent” and enter the amount in the next cell: -$2000.
  • Add a label called “Product Spending” and enter the amount in the next cell: -$20000.
  • Add a label called “Gas” and add the amount in the next cell: -$250.
  • Add a label called “Car Payment” and add the amount in the next cell: -$500.
  • Add a label called “Electric” and add the amount in the next cell: -$600.
  • Add a label called “Insurance” and add the amount in the next cell: -$500.

Use the SUM function to calculate the total for all the cells.

Use the Freeze option to freeze the top panes.

Create a pie chart for your business income and spending.

Save this document as Lastname_BusinessBudget_W3.xls

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

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