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  • For the first assignment, you will create a Personal Leadership Philosophy that

For the first assignment, you will create a Personal Leadership Philosophy that



For the first assignment, you will create a Personal Leadership Philosophy that will become the roadmap for you in a public safety leadership position. Select what public safety organization you will lead: law enforcement, fire services, EMS, emergency management, etc. Craft your leadership philosophy to fit the organization you will lead.Follow the guidance in the articles listed below. Your Personal Leadership Philosophy shall include the following elements:Identify the leadership theory that defines your style and explain why,Description of who you are, your values, and your priorities,Define the core values you live by, what you expect of organizational members, what they can expect of you, and how you will evaluate your performance,Determine your goals or the desired results/ outcomes you are striving for as a leader,Describe your guiding principles, refer to your personal beliefs and the values you consider when leading others,Define the way you will conduct yourself to ultimately reach a favorable outcome.Please remember that the Personal Leadership Philosophy statement is personal to you. Refer to the references listed below for further guidance on how to write a Personal Leadership Philosophy statement. Also, conduct your own research to find examples of how to compose your leadership philosophy statement.You must write your philosophy statement as a public safety leader of a U.S. public safety agency or organization. Please read the assignment description and ask if you have any questions about the Personal Leadership Philosophy Statement.Your finished paper will be at least three (3) pages, not including the title or references pages, and formatted in accordance with APA 7th edition format. The paper must include the details addressing each of the elements described above. The majority of the paper should be explaining each element, giving context to the leadership philosophy statement you developed. Similar to writing a mission statement, the actual Personal Leadership Philosophy statement should be concise. Your focus should be on the six elements and the concepts your philosophy embraces (in no less than two (2) paragraphs, but no more than one (1) page).The paper should be formatted in accordance with APA 7th edition requirements to include title and references pages listing no less than three (3) academic or professional references in addition to any course materials or references already provided. Make sure to parenthetically cite all references in accordance with APA 7th edition requirements. It is not necessary to include an abstract for this assignment.The Personal Leadership Philosophy paper must include:A title page (https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/paper-format/title-page).Introductory paragraph(s) (an Introduction section heading is no longer used in APA).The main body of the philosophy, using section headings, formatted in accordance with APA 7th edition (https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/paper-format/headings).A Conclusion.A References page.This assignment must be submitted no later than Tuesday, Week 3, by 11:59 pm ET.ReferencesBenson, D. (2018 May 29). How to Determine Your Personal Leadership Philosophy. American Association for Physician Leadership News. Retrieved from https://www.physicianleaders.org/news/how-determine-your-personal-leadership-philosophyLeadership Philosophy Examples to Help You Write Your Own. (2020 Sept 2). Indeed.com. Retrieved from https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/career-development/leadership-philosophy-examplesMasud, M. (2019). Inspiring Personal Leadership Philosophy Examples. Advergize.com. Retrieved from https://www.advergize.com/leadership/inspiring-personal-leadership-philosophy-examples/Developing a Leadership Philosophy. (2019). Ms. Career Girl. Retrieved from https://www.mscareergirl.com/developing-leadership-philosophy/What is a Personal Leadership Philosophy? Definition, Benefits, and How to Develop Yours. (2020 Feb 25). Indeed.com. Retrieved from https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/career-development/personal-leadership-philosophy

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