For your Final Paper you will write a dance review / critique of a dance concert. You are expected to watch the dance concert in its entirely. (If you have a different one in mind that I did not list on the previous page, send me the link in an email! I’ll take a look and we can discuss if you can use it for your Final Paper.)Introduction paragraph:Contextualize the concert (who, what, where, when, etc).Provide an overview of the concert as a whole using descriptive language (briefly discuss each piece/section, noting elements such as theme, tone/mood, narrative, genre, etc).Body paragraphs (at least 3):Discuss the movements you saw: (runs, jumps, turns, stretches, partner work, balances etc). Try to let yourself be a part of the action and then work to verbalize the feeling of the action you experienced vicariously. Use adjectives creatively as you recall the movement journey that you took as you watched the piece. What movements were unusual from what you may have ever seen or thought about the human body being capable of doing? Be specific and descriptive in your examples.Discuss the groupings of dancers in space and where they were in the space that made the composition interesting or caught your eye. Find creative ways to describe how space was changed when dancers moved in and out of it. An example might be: “It reminded me of a flock of birds, the way they moved evenly together, but abruptly three separated and dove toward the ground while the others soared swiftly above them”.Discuss what caught your eye and held your attention (perhaps a particular dancer, the quality of movement in the choreography, the use of lighting/music/props, etc) Why?Discuss any supporting elements that deserve special mention (music, lighting, costuming, set, prop, etc). How did these elements support the piece(s)?Conclusion:Summarize the main ideas you established in your body paragraphs.Discuss your overall impressions of the concert. Did the choreographer(s) succeed at what they intended to do? What makes the execution of the work and the work itself strong / weak? Etc..Write your paper for a reader who has never seen the concert and give the reader an exciting insight into the dance. Aim to “paint the picture” into the reader’s mind by providing vivid and concrete details and examples. Avoid vague generalizations such as, “it was nice, I liked it, it was weird, it wasn’t what I expected, I did not like it, etc.” These statements tell the reader very little, so do more than describe what you saw in the most literal of terms. Use images that provide the reader insight into the movement you experienced as you watched.A good grade will result from a paper that follows all content and structural guidelines and implements excellent use of detailed examples in support of the author’s ideas.Guidelines2-3 full pages (12 point font, 1 inch margins, double spaced)Attach a Word or PDF documentUse a formal/academic tone (not a conversational/casual tone)Use supportive details from this week’s readings and the videos. This shows the reader that you have examples to support your ideas.