APA format
times new roman font 12 point font size
double spaced
4 pages Not Including cover page and reference page
In recent years the U.S. health care system has been in the spotlight by the government, law-makers, and the public. One important topic has been fraud and abuse. The topic of this assignment is “Fraud and Abuse in the U.S. Health Care System.” Some of the questions you may want to answer in your paper include but are not limited to, in the past 5 years how has fraud and abuse affected the U.S. health care system? Include examples of how fraud and abuse have affected the government, law-makers and the public. What changes, if any, are being made to control fraud and abuse. Lastly what are your thoughts on fraud and abuse and what actions would you like to see our government take to finally take control of the extreme cost of fraud and abuse. Make sure to be as detailed as possible.