13.Major Milestones / Timeline: At this point, you probably only know a general timeframe. Create or list a time line with major milestones (points in time when important events occur, deadlines are scheduled, or deliverables are completed). Make sure you list the final completion date, which you should have already determined when developing your “project statement” and “constraints.”
14.Contact Information: List out any points of contact for the customer and stakeholders.
a) Technical Section: Give a general account (using details you do know) of how you plan to address the issue or need for the customer(s) from a technical perspective. Include how items such as info/data collection and analysis, alternative (Plan ‘B’) approaches to the need/issue, rationale for your chosen approach, a brief explanation of how your approach will meet the requirements. Discuss any technologies you plan to use. If there are any exceptions to meeting any particular customer requirements (for whatever reason), then state this also along with the reason you cannot meet the requirement.
b) Management Section: Briefly describe how you plan to manage this project – – will you be on site OR will you work virtually from your office OR a combination? Describe the processes you plan to use (waterfall, agile, traditional, etc.), and if you plan to do everything in-house or subcontract (if known at this time).
c) Cost Section: If you have any early cost estimates (not just the budget you were given), then list those here. At this point, these will most likely be very high level estimates (top down). Recall that high level estimates can be determined using techniques such as analogous estimating, parametric estimating, or even several other methods that use comparisons, history, similarities, and previous experience. You may or may not know this information, but attempt to make a determination. Don’t forget to include any contingencies when giving an estimate (basically the bid amount you would give a customer if you were responding to an RFP with a proposal).
16.Benefits: Justify the value of your approach and team. Is there some innovative way you are looking to address the situation or a unique method that provides any added value? Does your team have experience or backgrounds in the field/industry?
Project Framework – Russ 1-4, Rocco 5-8, Keaton 9-12, Armando 13-16
1. Your Team: Armando Aragonez, Keaton Fisher, Rocco Ybarra, Russ Francis. We chose this RFP based on our information technology backgrounds and an ex-athlete on our team.
2. Customer: Sport Law & Strategy Group, a group of seven professionals with various expertise and skill sets.
3. Stakeholders: Internal stakeholders include the group of seven employees of Sport Law & Strategy Group. External stakeholders are primarily amateur sport organizations in Canada, every National Sport Organization (NSO) in Canada as well as Provincial/Territorial Sport Organizations (PTSOs) in each province and territory. In addition, multi-sport organizations, local associations, and clubs across the country.
4. Problem Statement: Sport Law & Strategy Group seeks redesign and development services for a website refresh. The current website is not user-friendly, nor are the various resources served by the site readily apparent to visitors looking for more information. The website is not optimized for mobile devices. The website also lacks links to the group’s social media presence.
5. Project Statement:
- Time Element
- Work on the project will start May 1, 2022 and be delivered on October 1, 2022
- Cost Elements
- Performance Elements
- Website shall render under 3 seconds
- Website shall handle 10,000 concurrent users before performance loss of 1 second occurs
- 500 Gb forum capacity shall be maintainable before performance loss of 1 second occurs per extra 500 Gb
- Website shall search web forums under 5 seconds
6. Measurable Objectives:
- Specific
- Tab navigation
- Description of services / contact us page
- Fixed header when user scrolls
- Blog component – recent posts are show first, create new blog post feature
- Migration of existing writings archive
- Webinar series automatic registration via PayPal
- Newsletter signup feature
- Optimized for mobile
- AODA utility and web-reader accessible
- Social media linkage
- Measurable
- Will be using Gantt chart to prove we are making progress
- Attainable
- All objectives shall be completed on the date scheduled
- Will meet weekly with team to determine if goals are aligning and update Gantt chart as well
- Time-based
- 5 months the customer wants
7. Statement of Work (SOW) – Essentially a “Preliminary Scope Statement”:
- Not hosting website
- Accomplish best we can with what is within budget
- Possibly be able to accomplish additional add ons customer is wanting
8. Customer Requirements (Add additional requirements as we see fit):
Customer requirements:
- Easy to use tab navigation
- Priorities: description of services / contact us
- Fixed header (with tab navigation) when the user scrolls
- Blog component – recent posts are prominent, new blogs that are easy to post
- Migration of existing writings archive
- Webinar series automatic registration via PayPal
- Newsletter signup feature
- Optimized for mobile
- AODA friendly and web-reader accessible
- Social media linkage
- Alternative features depending on timeline/budget
- Automated book sales feature via PayPal
- Enhanced SEO and Google analytics
- Optional future inclusion of professional photos/videos of our team ‘in action’
9. Major Deliverables and Final Product:
We shall deliver a website built on
- WordPress with tab navigation
- Description of services and contact page
- Fixed header (with tab navigation) when the user scrolls
- Blog component with recent posts most prominent
- New blogs that are easy to post
- Migration of existing writings archive
- Webinar series automatic registration via paypal
- Newsletter signup feature
- Optimization for mobile devices
- AODA usability and web-reader accessible
- Social media linkage.
10.Acceptance Criteria:
The acceptance criteria shall include:
- WordPress with tab navigation
- Description of services and contact page
- Fixed header (with tab navigation) when the user scrolls
- Blog component with recent posts most prominent
- New blogs that are easy to post
- Migration of existing writings archive
- Webinar series automatic registration via paypal
- Newsletter signup feature
- Optimization for mobile devices
- AODA usability and web-reader accessible
- Social media linkage.
Up to the level described in section “Performance Elements”.
11.Initial Assumptions-Constraints-Issues: List out any assumptions (assumed to be true without verification – low level risk), constraints (define and confine the project), and issues (happening right now and need to be considered and/or addressed).
Initial Assumptions-Constraints-Issues:
- Customer is hosting the website
- Customer will be on a budget and time constraint
- Customer has a SLA with a third party for uptime to be sufficient up to 99.8% for performance terms guaranteed in this proposal.
12.Risks: List out the high level risks. Do not try to complete a full blown risk assessment since we will do this later when you have more information. Don’t forget to address both positive risk (opportunities) and negative risks (threats).
- Economic downturn
- Natural disasters
- Failure on the part of external producers or suppliers
- Inadequate communication on part of customer