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  • FU009059 London College of Fashion Luxury Management Strategy Case Study

FU009059 London College of Fashion Luxury Management Strategy Case Study


– You are asked to identify an opportunity to increase the brand value and propose a rejuvenation
strategy that will better fit with luxury’s future audience. You will be required to outline the
strategy/solutions with detailed explanation and justify those strategic solutions.

-You will take the role of a consultant and produce a case analysis report that highlights the importance of strategic thinking, planning, decision-making, and implementation in the specific context of your chosen path. The case should examine challenges and/or opportunities and use innovative approaches to prepare a strategic response, within the chosen specialist path.

-The case study report needs to be academically robust with theoretical underpinning, and presented appropriate to the audience assumable to be executives of the proposed fashion company.


A detailed overview of what to include, as well as suggested structure, will be posted under the
folder “assessment” on your unit Moodle page.

Formative Assessment

There are several opportunities for formative assessment in this unit as detailed in the Scheme of
Work. These include staged assessment tutorials to inform the development of your work.

Professionalism (Creative Attributes Framework)

This unit is underpinned by the Creative Attributes Framework (CAF) , which articulates and
connects the curriculum to professional practice. All attributes of the framework are evidenced in
the teaching, learning and assessment with its alignment to producing a scholarly quality output.
Students are expected to demonstrate professional practice against each, specifically 1) making
things happen – proactivity; 2) showcasing abilities – communication and connectivity and 3)
navigating change – curiosity and self-efficacy. You are expected to proactively network with LCF
research centres and/or agencies, aligned to each specialism in this unit, including the Centre for
Sustainable Fashion, the Fashion Innovation Agency, the Digital Learning Lab and the Centre for
Bus iness and Innovation.

UN Sustainable Development Goals

LCF is an Advanced Signatory to the United Nations Principles for Responsible Management
Education (PRME). This unit references UN Sustainable Development Goals number 9 (Industry,
innovation and infrastructure), 12 (Responsible consumption and production) and 17 (Partnerships
for the goals).

Brand Choice: Versace

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