fun art midterm


The entire assignment, typed and double-spaced, should be 4 – 5 pages long.

It is not necessary to include pictures, but please fully identify each work of art you discuss by title, artist/architect and date. Please limit your selections to the artworks we have discussed in class.

DO NOT look up extra information from outside sources; use ONLY your textbook, notes, the class slides, and your own observational skills!

  1. Architecture (25 pts.): Brunelleschi and Alberti were two of the most influential architects of the Italian Early Renaissance. Please choose 2 buildings (one by each architect), and compare and contrast the ways they use particular Greek and Roman architectural elements and design principles.
  1. Portraiture (25 pts.) Discuss developments in portraiture during the Renaissance in Italy and the Netherlands. Choose at least 3 examples, and discuss the changing ways in which the identity, status, and character of the patrons are expressed.
  1. Nude figures (25 pts.) The revival of the nude human figure in Italian art was a significant development during the Late Gothic and Early Renaissance periods. Choose

3 works of art that showcase the nude figure (male or female). How does each artist treat anatomy, proportions, and posture? Whom do these figures represent, and how do these works relate to the intellectual or religious ideas of the time?

  1. Biblical narratives (25 pts.) Compare and contrast the ways in which stories from the Bible were represented in Italy and the Netherlands during the Late Gothic and Early Renaissance periods. Choose 3 examples and discuss their compositions, including the postures, dress, and facial expressions of the figures, as well as the ways in which space is constructed. What ideas or feelings are communicated in these scenes?

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