General Psychology Paper


General Psychology Paper

General Psychology Paper


  • Please open the attached file and read the directions for your paper.  General Psychology Paper
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Psy-101 Course Paper

Your Assignment: Please read the directions carefully, and ask if you have questions.

I would like you to choose a theorist from the list provided at the end and do some extra research about them. Look up articles online (published articles, not some random person’s blog), review what our textbook says, or do some research in the library. You may use Wikipedia as a place to find sources, but do not quote from it directly (or steal sentences). Typically 3-5 sources are best for this type of assignment.

I then want you to write a formal essay answering the questions below:

1. Who are they?

2. What did they research/theorize?

3. Why are we still learning about them today/why are they important (what did they contribute to the field of psychology)?

4. Do you have any critiques about their work?

As part of this, you must thoroughly describe each topic so your reader can understand them well. Assume this person has no knowledge of the theorist at all. When you write this portion for each of the questions, you MUST reference your text or other course materials you are referring to. You may need to reference elsewhere, but you MUST reference here because you did not come up with this stuff on your own. You should use your own words as much as possible to paraphrase the book. (By the way, when you paraphrase, you must provide an APA style reference in text and at the end of your work in the References section. When you use your own words, you do not need a page number.) For this paper, you should avoid quoting, but use quotations if you do end up having to quote. (If you do quote, you will need to include the page number in addition to the other reference in text and in the reference section.) You absolutely must reference properly.

Please follow this format for the paper:

1) Introduction paragraph where you acquaint the reader with the purpose of the essay, and each of the questions you will answer (this is a summary of the essay as a whole) *Hint: write this last, it’s much easier.

2) A paragraph (or more) thoroughly describing and defining QUESTION 1.

3) A paragraph (or more) telling what you found interesting, surprising, etc. for QUESTION 1.

4) A paragraph (or more) defining and describing QUESTION 2.

5) A paragraph (or more) telling what you found interesting, surprising, etc. for QUESTION 2.

6) A paragraph (or more) thoroughly describing and defining QUESTION 3.

7) A paragraph (or more) telling what you found interesting, surprising, etc. for QUESTION 3.

8) A paragraph (or more) thoroughly describing and defining your response to QUESTION 4.

9) A conclusion paragraph, summarizing what you have said and why.

Things to avoid:

· Be sure you demonstrate that you thought about the assignment carefully, that you understood the material you were learning about (and can convey that in your writing), and that you make it interesting to read. If you are vague and/or casual about the material, you will NOT earn a good grade. The essay should be written using college-level writing and analysis.


The paper will be graded on three main dimensions, each receiving roughly equal weight:

-Factual/conceptual content: You should demonstrate that you have thought deeply about the material, you understand it, and you can think critically about it. I want you to demonstrate that you can explain the material clearly and accurately to someone who knows nothing about it.

-Interest/originality: Your essay should be fun to read and should be creative and original. It should demonstrate depth of understanding for the topics you selected as this will make it more interesting and will give me the opportunity to learn something about your chosen theorist.

-Grammar/editing/structure: Your essay should be easy to read and organized, with appropriate transitions and paragraphs. For instance, be sure you use topic sentences in your paragraphs. (Think of a topic sentence like a promise. The topic sentence promises what the entire paragraph will be about.) Please spell check your work and edit it before submitting it.

Be sure you use proper grammar and punctuation! This is meant to be a essay, not a casual email. As such, do not be extremely casual in your language. Do not use contractions. (For instance, write out “did not” rather than the contraction “didn’t.”) Do not say things like, “It sucked,” “She was lame,” “He was a hard ass.” These are all casual; think of another way to say the same thing. Indent new paragraphs.

In addition, you must use APA style citations properly or you will fail the assignmentSee the videos I provide on citing if you need help, then ask me.

Length, Spacing & Formatting:

At least 9 paragraphs and is about 3 typed, single-spaced pages with double spacing between paragraphs (700-1000 words). You must make it long enough to do the assignment completely and thoroughly. Do not drag it out simply to make it appear longer.

Academic Honesty:

You must do your own work in your own words! DO NOT paraphrase anyone else’s work from anywhere without referencing and do not copy work without using quotes and properly referencing in APA style. If you do this, you will receive an “F” on the assignment and in the course and will be referred to the Dean of Student Services for further disciplinary action.

Here are the referencing expectations:

When you use the text (or any other materials) as a reference, you need to provide a citation in APA style, just like you would in any other paper. You must provide an in-text citation AND a full citation at the end. You must use quotes and give page numbers if you are not using your own words.


· Ask me if you are not sure about anything.

· I hope you enjoy the assignment.

Theorists you may pick: (If you want to write about someone not on the list, please just message me about it)

· Ainsworth, Mary – Attachment Theory

· Asch, Solomon – Conformity Experiment

· Bandura, Albert – Social Learning Theory

· Bowlby, John – Attachment Theory

· Bruner, Jerome – cognitive development of children

· Erikson, Erik – Theory of Psychosocial Development

· Freud, Sigmund – psychoanalysis

· Freud, Anna – psychoanalysis

· Kohlberg, Lawrence –  moral development

· Kolb, David –  experiential learning styles theory

· Kuhn, Thomas Samuel – developmental psychology

· Maslow, Abraham – Hierarchy of Needs

· Milgram, Stanley – obedience experiment

· Pavlov, Ivan – conditioned/unconditioned response

· Piaget, Jean – cognitive development

· Popper, Karl – distinguishing science from non-science

· Rogers, Carl – self actualization

· Skinner, B. F. – operant conditioning

· Thorndike, Edward – operant conditioning within behaviorism

· Vygotsky, Lev – sociocultural theory

· Watson, John – classical conditioning within behaviourism

· Wundt, Wilhelm – structuralism, founder of experimental psychology

· Zimbardo, Philip – Stanford Prison Experiment

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