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  • give a brief summary of the article, including hypotheses, methods, and findings. Research the topic and available data sources. On the basis of the biostatistical methods

give a brief summary of the article, including hypotheses, methods, and findings. Research the topic and available data sources. On the basis of the biostatistical methods


give a brief summaryof the article, including hypotheses, methods, and findings. Research the topicand available data sources. On the basis of the biostatistical methodsdiscussed in the course (BELOW), analyze the article and itsfindings. Write a 7 –10-page, double-spaced paper in Word format.Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Utilize at least 7 scholarly sourcesHere are some points toconsider in your analysis:What dataare available on this topic?What datadoes the article use?Discuss the level of measurement, assumptions thatcan be made, statistics that can be calculated from these data, and thegeneral quality of the data.What is thetype of study or study design used?Explain the type of biostatistical study design thatthe author has used.Describe the hypothesis or hypotheses that theauthor intends to test.Explain the statistics that the author uses to testthese hypotheses.What arethe article’s statistical findings?Describe the statistical results of the author’sanalysis.Provide a substantive interpretation of thesefindings (What do the results mean in relation to the hypotheses and thepublic health topic?).Describe the author’s recommendations about thistopic based on his or her findings and hypotheses.If you hadbeen the author, what changes, if any, would you have made in the studyyou analyzed?Discuss whether the author made any statisticalerrors.Were thecorrect data used for the questions asked?Were thecorrect data available?Were thecorrect statistics used for the data available?What otherdata might you want to collect and why?Do thestatistical findings support the author’s conclusions?ARTICLE: Implementation of a prediabetes identification algorithm foroverweight and obese Veterans (ATTACHED)BIOSTATISTICAL METHODSinferential statistics (parameter estimation and hypothesis testing).estimation and hypothesistesting for a mean.hypothesis testing for amean for one-sample and two-sample scenarios. assumptions necessary for hypothesistesting, study confidence interval methods, and practice biostatisticalproblem-solving skills by calculating one-sample and two-sample t-tests andconfidence intervals based on a public health scenario. Performing hypothesis testing with one-sampleand two-sample inferences. Calculatingand interpret dependent and independent t-tests.Identifing relationshipsbetween confidence intervals and hypothesis testing.nonparametric statistics vs parametric statistics.levels of measurement of data and the effect of the levelof data on the choice of parametric or nonparametric statistics. *biostatisticalproblem-solving skills by calculating a Wilcoxon rank-sum test to test the nullhypothesis..levels of data measurement and parametric versusnonparametric statistical methods.types of data that require parametric methods and thetypes of data that require nonparametric methods.the advantages and disadvantages of using each method.Categorical data can be measured as an ordinal variable ornominal variable.hypothesis testing using categorical data.contingency tables as a way of representing relationshipsbetween categorical data and the statistics used to test hypothesescategorical data, contingency tables, chi-square andFisher’s exact test (FET)correlation and regression methods. correlationcoefficient (R2) statistic in regression analysis and least squares regressionanalysisPearson’s correlation coefficient, ANOVA, Least squaresregression analysismultisample inference and the design and analysis ofepidemiological studies.odds ratios (OR) and risk ratios (RR).

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