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Glendale Community College Government and Politics Essay


I’m working on a political science report and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Pol S 101: Introduction to United States and California Government and PoliticsFall 2021Professor TaylorPaper #1: Write an essay on one of the following prompts1.   Looking at the existing structure and practices of the US Government, do you feel the nation more accurately reflects the political philosophy of Thomas Hobbes or that of Jean Jacques Rosseau?a.   See the 8-Bit Philosophy video on “Do We Need Government (The Social Contract)” under Week 1: Introductory Videos inside the Module tab of the Canvas websiteb.   Google “The Social Contract Hobbes” “The Social Contract Rosseau”c.   See Aristotle’s Politics (Summary) video under Week 2: Political Theory Videos inside the Module tab of the Canvas website2.   Do you believe the government of the United States subscribes to Elitist Theory or Pluralist Theory? Support your reasons. a.   Do you believe a combination of these theories are visible or something wholly different? Support your reasons. b.   Can you speak to any trends that indicate the adoption or rejection of the political theories in mentioned?i.   See Ch 1 Section 1.1 and 1.2 in your OpenStax textbookii.   See Aristotle’s Politics (Summary) video under Week 2: Political Theory Videos inside the Module tab of the Canvas websiteiii.   See Crash Course Politics video on “Interest Group Formation in the United States” under Week 2: Political Theory Videos3.   Is our Constitution, as written, a critically investigative document that guarantees the protection and rights of all citizens?a.    Are its laws outlined and enforceable in a manner that is fair and objective?b.   What might you add to the constitution?c.    What might you take away?i.   See Ch 2 in your OpenStax textbookii.   See Aristotle’s Politics (Summary) video under Week 2: Political Theory Videos inside the Module tab of the Canvas websiteiii.   See Interest Group Formation: Crash Course Government and Politics video under Week 2: Political Theory Videos inside the Module tab of the Canvas website

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