Individual Project – Global Marketing
Individual Project – Global MarketingSo You’re Going International? Projects Accepted*Select a local product or service. Determine and describe the attributes that will be required for it to be marketed successfully in another country. Select (one country) for example Japan, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Brazil, China, India, etc. Please do not include products/services from Apple, Starbucks, or McDonald’s.*NOTE: If your product or service requires (little) changes to go international, you will need to select a different product.Attributes should include:
Different Sizes/Volumes
Major Product Changes (example: an American car sold in England must be right-hand drive, run on higher octane gasoline, etc.)
Voltage Changes
Cultural Differences
Safety Requirements
Advertising and Promotional Changes
Celebrity Endorsements (specific to that country), or new campaign method (example: Pepsi has an official mascot for their Japanese branch – “Pepsiman”)
Research the differences between the productswithin an international country. Determine what changes are needed or (will be needed) for the product/service to be successful in another global country.Your finished product should be PowerPoint slides that show how the product exists now in the (USA), and how it would need to change to reflect the different international factors for (the selected country). A split-screen PPT slides should help you accomplish the different attributes.
Include: Specifics, Visuals, and be as detailed as possible