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Grading Note: Assignments require two (2) paragraphs with five (5) well written,



Grading Note: Assignments require two (2) paragraphs with five (5) well written, clearly stated, and topic appropriate sentences in each paragraph.REQUIRED ASSIGNMENT FORMAT (see below):YOUR ASSIGNMENT SHOULD LOOK LIKE THIS:According to the information in the textbook, CJ2019, Page 5, the 4 main goals of sentencing are rehabilitation or reformation, retribution, incapacitation, and deterrence. Rehabilitation or reformation is a form of intervention that is intended to change one’s behavior. Forms of this include therapy, treatments, and probation. Retribution is punishing people based on the severity of the crimes that they committed. Basically, the concept of lex talionis, or “an eye for an eye”. Incapacitation is the act of separating criminals from the rest of society through incarceration. This goal is victim focused and allows the criminal to not repeat their actions. The first type of deterrence, general deterrence, focuses to discourage people from committing crimes. Lastly, specific deterrence is designed to prevent criminals from repeating or committing crimes.According to the information in the Module 1 Video- 5 Goals of Sentencing, the 5 main goals to sentencing include retribution, incapacitation, deterrence, rehabilitation, and restoration. Retribution is “paying a debt to society” for the crimes you committed. Retribution looks at the crime and tries to make an equal, fair punishment to fit the crime committed. Incapacitation means that the offender is unable to commit more crimes because they are restrained. Examples of this would be house arrest, prison/jail time, or the death penalty. General deterrence means that the punishment outweighs the crimes, meaning that people will not commit crimes. Specific deterrence is focused on discouraging criminals from committing crimes again. Rehabilitation is used to reform an offender through therapy, programs, counseling, courses, etc. Although, it has been proven that not all offenders can be rehabilitated. Restoration is the act of repairing the harm done, or services performed by the offender for the victim.PLEASE NOTE: Student will receive 0 points if they do not follow the above assignment format, which includes 2 paragraphs that each have a minimum of 5 well written sentences in each paragraph. I would suggest you read your chapter, take notes on the section that covers the assignment question. After you read your textbook, watch the video, and take notes. After you do your research and required reading, type out your assignment in the exact same format as above.Critical Thinking Question (worth 50 points)Do a summary report on the Reentry Program at METRO. What services do they provide and what do you like about this program. Be specific in your answer.Make sure to include information from the link below in your assignment.https://www.mccneb.edu/reentry/

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