Grieving Counseling Essay


Grieving Counseling Essay

Grieving Counseling Essay


Please See Attach

  • attachmentPYCL0635GriefCounselingAssignment.docx
  • attachmentPYCL635GroupTheoryPracticePalmBeachNovDec20171.docx

Please, see RED for instruction on assignment.

IV. Course Description (Syllabus)

This course addresses group theory and practice in multiple settings with a variety of diverse populations and age groups. Major themes include group dynamics, group process, and group states for mental health and school counselors. Prerequisites for clinical mental health counselors: PYCL 0502 & PYCL 0511; for school counselors PYCL 0502. Grieving Counseling Essay

V. Learning Outcomes

Course Objectives:

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:

1. Understand the principles and theories of group dynamics, including group process components, developmental stage theories, group members’ roles and behaviors, and therapeutic factors of group work. [2. F. 6. a.]

2. Demonstrate an understanding of the various types of groups, stages of group development, group processes, and provision of group counseling across myriad settings. [2. F. 6. b., F. 6. f.]

3. Understand various group counseling methods, including group counselor orientations, therapeutic factors and behaviors, and appropriate selection criteria including recruiting and screening, working with diverse groups, and methods of evaluation of effectiveness across group counseling settings. [2. F. 6. c., F. 6. e.]

4. Develop a working understanding of group leadership or facilitation styles and approaches, including characteristics of various types of group leaders and leadership styles. [2. F. 6. d.]

5. Understand the cultural context of relationships, issues, and trends in a multicultural society, including group strategies for working with and advocating for diverse populations. [2. F. 6. g.]

6. Understand ethical and legal standards in group counseling. [2. F. 6. g], [CMHC 2. l.]

7. Critically evaluate one’s own leadership skills. [2. F. 6. d.]

8. Provide direct experiences where students participate in small group activity, approved by the program, for a minimum of 10 clock hours over the course of one academic term. [2. F. 6. h.]

MCAP: Certified Master’s Level Addiction Professional applicants must complete and document to the Florida Certification Board (FCB) that they have a minimum of 350 hours of content specific training, with minimum hour requirements for each content specific domain. This course will provide a total of 45 hours in the following domains:

• MCAP Domain 3 – Counseling: 15 hours

• MCAP Domain 9 – Understanding Addiction/Treatment Knowledge: 10 hours

• MCAP Domain 10 – Application to Practice/Professional Readiness: 20 hours

Key Performance Indicator (KPI) and Additional Learning Outcomes:

Faculty systematically assesses each student’s progress by examining a combination of knowledge and skills. Key performance indicators are course tasks, activities, or assignments selected by faculty to assess student learning in core content areas of the counseling curriculum. Key Performance Indicators are measured multiple times and at different points in time during the student’s master’s program.

This course has been identified as partially fulfilling one of the eight core content areas of the counseling curriculum, Group Counseling and Group Work. The following content area objectives are addressed within this course via the designated Key Performance Indicator task described below.

1. Dynamics associated with group process and development. [2. F. 6. a.]

2. Characteristics and functions of effective group leaders. [2. F. 6. d.]

3. Approaches to group formation including recruiting, screening, and selecting members.

[2. F. 6. c., F. 6. e.]

4. Types of groups and other factors that affect conducting groups in varied settings. [2.

F. 6. b., F. 6. f.]

5. Ethically and culturally relevant strategies for designing and facilitating groups. [2. F.

6. g.]

Students will demonstrate competency via successful completion of the following key performance indicator required task: Group Counseling Plan. This task will be further described below in the Description of Assignments.

VI. Material and Resources

Required Text:

Corey, M.S., and Corey, G. & Corey, C. (2018). Groups – Process and Practice (10th ed.). Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole. ISBN – 9781305865709

Required Course Resources: (located at

1. NSU Email Account

2. Blackboard Course Management System Access

VII. Course Schedule and Topic Outline

Calendar of Topics/Assignments

Prior to Friday, November 10: Read chapters 1-9 in the text.

Friday, November 10: Course overview and discussion of expectations. Interview and introductions. Class exercise and group breakdowns.

Saturday, November 11: Non-verbal exercises and feedback. Corey & Corey video covering outpatient groups. (I)

Sunday, November 12: Biases and other influences. Small group work. Corey & Corey video covering outpatient groups (II).

Midterm exam

Prior to Friday, December 8: Read chapters 10 & 11 in the text. The KPI Group Counseling Plan will be due by December 1, 2017.

Friday, December 8: Review midterm exam.

Small group leadership practice with leader and group feedback.

Yalom video covering inpatient groups. (I)

Saturday, December 9: Small group leadership practice with leader and group feedback. Yalom video covering inpatient groups (II).

Grieving Counseling Essay

Sunday, December 10: Small group leadership practice with leader and group feedback.

Final exam.

Grieving Counseling Essay

VIII. Instructional Methods


The course will be taught using a combination of lectures, videos, demonstrations by the instructor, student discussions, student participation in a “Task Group”, student demonstration of skills, and student role playing. Student participation is essential in this course.

Course Expectations: Exploring methods of group facilitation and participating in group dynamics means that there are many new concepts to learn, understand, practice, and experience. Most learners are familiar and comfortable with the didactic teaching approach. This style of teaching will be used, at times, during this course. However, group dynamics cannot be effectively taught or learned by simply sharing concepts. Group must be experienced to be truly understood. As an analogy, it is very much like riding a bike: You can read many books on how to ride a bike, but you eventually have to get on the bike in order to ride.

The students and instructor participating in this course inherently make up a group. Additionally, smaller sub-groups can easily and quickly be established, creating different group dynamics. These dynamics provide a unique and wonderful environmental opportunity for in vivo, experiential, and interactive group learning. Although the group class may be somewhat of an artificial environment, some anxiety is a normal and natural part of the process. Grieving Counseling Essay

The dimensions or parameters of this course will follow the Heuristic Method of learning in which active class participation is a requirement. This means you will have many opportunities to participate as a group member in different contexts. As you do, pay close attention to your experience as a group member: your feelings, thoughts, observations, the feedback you give and receive, etc. You will, whether you enjoy it or not, experience a wide range of emotions during this course. I encourage you to embrace this as a learning opportunity. At times you may be tempted to avoid exploring new thoughts, feelings or experiences because of discomfort. Again, I encourage you to take some risks, take some chances. Our goal is to learn about and practice group dynamics. This will help you remember how your clients may experience being a member of a group. Although the extent of your participation & sharing of yourself is voluntary, keep in mind it is difficult, if not (as Dr. Fritz Perls would say) phony, for you to expect your clients to do things that you are unwilling or unable to do yourself. As a member of the class group, you always retain the right to decide what you are willing to disclose. Your grade is not dependent on your disclosures as a member of the group. Grieving Counseling Essay

It is important to note, small groups are not intended to be psycho-therapeutic or counseling in nature. They are intended to be “work/task” groups: The task is to experience and apply group dynamics. It is my experience, however, that some participants will experience the group as psycho-therapeutic or as counseling; though I cannot control student perceptions. Introspective learning is inherently cathartic and therapeutic at times. Second, pay close attention to your other group members. They provide models/examples of different types of group participants. Third, pay close attention to those who facilitate the group processes. They also provide you with models of group facilitation (albeit, models you may or may not want to emulate). Moreover, respect all the members of your group. Each group member has the right to “pass” at any time for any reason. This right will be respected. Lastly, the information shared in group can be personal in nature. Confidentiality must be maintained regarding information shared during group interactions.

Student Responsibilities:

Due to the nature of the group course, the following statements are responsibilities accepted by the student enrolled in this group course. Class responsibilities include:

· Students are expected to be on time, attend all classes and complete all course assignments within specified time frames.

· Students are expected to complete reading assignments before the day these assignments will be discussed in class.

· Students are to interact with classmates, community professionals, clients, and instructors in a manner that reflects the highest level of integrity and respect. This includes arriving on time, maintaining confidentiality, and supporting critical thinking and mutual learning.

· Students will engage in introspective learning (i.e., learning about self within the context of group dynamics) in addition to academic study.

· Students will learn to actively engage others in dialogue (as a necessary group leadership skill), in addition to academic study.

IX. Assignments

Description of Assignments

The Midterm Exam consists of 40 multiple choice questions (worth one point each) from

Chapters 1-9 of the textbook. Exam will be taken in class.

Grade Value: 40 points

The Final Exam consists of four essay questions from Chapters 10 and 11 of the textbook.

The student will choose three questions to answer, worth a maximum of ten points each.

Grade Value: 30 points


PYCL 635 Required KPI Assignment: Group Counseling Plan (20 points/100 point scale)

Students will choose a group counseling topic they would like to research and for which they will develop a six-week group framework plan. The instructor must approve your topic in advance. Sample topics could include:

1) Grief counseling

2) Self-esteem building

3) Conflict resolution

4) Social skills

5) Interpersonal communication

6) School achievement skills

7) Decision making (college/career focus)

8) School transitions

9) Addictions

10) Parenting education

2. Students will specify the population for whom the group is tailored. Students will research effective small group intervention plans for this topic and population. Students will then design (in outline form) a 6-week, small group counseling plan based on this research. The student will present this information to the class on the assigned date (the presentation should be 15 to 20 minutes in duration and include a PowerPoint and handout that incorporates section V. Group Counseling Plan which is detailed below).

3. The Group Counseling Announcement Project requires students to create an ethical and professional announcement (one page or tri-fold) publicizing a counseling group to prospective participants. The professor will discuss specific details required in this project

on the first night of class (see pp. 155-156 in the text for some helpful guidelines). The assignment is due on the second Friday night of class. Grade Value: 20 points

This assignment will be due no later than Friday, November 17, 2017.

The outline of this group counseling plan will include the following sections:

I. Introduction

a. Is this topic more appropriate for small or large group? Highlight why individual counseling wasn’t chosen.

b. What is your specific population of focus for this group? (e.g., court mandated clients, children who have lost a loved one, adolescents with school difficulties, couples, etc.)

II. Characteristics of Group Leaders

a. What group leader characteristics are necessary for successful group facilitation?

b. How does the type and formulation of the group impact your group leader selection and facilitation?

III. Culturally Relevant Strategies for Designing and Facilitating Groups

a. How do cultural and diversity factors impact development and facilitation of your group?

b. What steps have you taken to insure these strategies are in place?

IV. Research

a. What does the research suggest as effective interventions for this population?

b. What does the research show was ineffective for working with this population?

V. Group Counseling Plan

a. Clearly outline at least 6 sessions for the group

b. Include the following for each session:

i. Objectives for each session

ii. Materials needed for each session

iii. Step-by-step instructions for leading the lessons, including process questions the leader should ask with the activities

iv. Any additional materials (e.g., worksheets, handouts) the leader will need

VI. Recommendations

a. In addition to the group, what (if anything) should the counselor do to ensure that the client’s needs are met in this topic area?

b. What would you recommend to counselors planning to lead this group?

VII. References

a. APA style is required

b. At least 5 professional references must be used (no websites or self-help books)

A rubric for this assignment can be found at the end of the syllabus. Students must receive at least a 70% to receive a passing grade. A student who scores less than 70% of the grade on the KPI assignment must complete an Individual Remediation Plan with the instructor Failure to successfully remediate the KPI assignment will result in a F (Fail) grade in the course.

Expected Participation and Attendance 

Students are expected to fully attend all classes and to be punctual on arrival and returning

from breaks. Participation in class is encouraged; attentiveness is required. Participation in dyads and in group activities is expected of all students. Professionalism will be evaluated based

upon student attendance and punctuality, attentiveness to class discussions and activities, and refraining from using electronic devices during class time.

In order to foster a positive learning environment, students will not be permitted to use laptops or any other personal communication device including cell phones during class.

Grade Value: 10 points

X. Assessments

In addition to the College of Psychology Core Performance Standards, throughout the educational experience at Nova Southeastern University, students in the Clinical Mental Health Counseling Concentration should develop and embody important professional dispositions. NSU counseling student dispositions are comprised of 4 major components: Professional Behavior, Positive Attitude and Self-Awareness, Communication, and Ethical Behavior.

Faculty will monitor these dispositions at multiple points in time across the Clinical Mental Health Counseling curriculum and may identify problems in their students’ functioning, provide constructive feedback to them, and require a remediation plan to address those difficulties. During the PYCL 635 course, faculty will complete an assessment of student dispositions on each student by using the NSU Assessment of Student Dispositions form (see syllabus appendices for description).

XI. Grading Criteria

Midterm examination 40 points

Final examination 30 points

KPI Group Counseling Plan 20 points

Professionalism 10 points

Total 100 points

GradePoints Earned
FBelow 70

Grading Schema:

XII. Course Policies

Academic Honesty/Plagiarism Policy: Students are expected to act in accordance with the Nova Southeastern University policy on academic integrity. Cheating, lying, misrepresentation, or plagiarism in any form is unacceptable and inexcusable behavior. Work that is submitted for credit must be the original work of the student. Assignments that are not the original work of the student are considered plagiarized and in violation of the Code of Student Conduct and Academic Responsibility. Self-plagiarism, such as resubmitting the same assignment or portions of an assignment to a different instructor, is also considered to be a violation of the policy. Assignments submitted that are found to have plagiarized information will be granted a failing grade, and may result in failure of the course. More information can be found on pages 25-32 of the NSU student handbook ( ). Please refer to Blackboard for links to writing and APA Style assistance.

Hardship Policy: Unforeseen events, emergencies, and life events can arise that impact academic success or cause time away from class (e.g., divorce, illness, a family member’s death, etc.). When a student needs to miss a class or submit an assignment past the due date, students are expected to communicate with their instructor within 24-72 hours to discuss arrangements for completing late assignments and to catch up with the course. Such notification can occur through email or a phone call to the instructor. Likewise, if students anticipate multiple absences or missed assignments, students are expected to communicate with their instructor as early as possible to discuss a plan to make up missed exams or submit other missed work. The instructor is not obligated to offer extended time for completion of assignments or make-up work and has sole discretion in the determination of whether the missed work/absence will be accepted. Moreover, the instructor has the right to request supporting documentation including but not limited to medical notes, hospital discharge summaries, and obituaries to determine whether to accept late work and excuse absences. On a rare occasion, the instructor may encourage the student to drop the course with an option to enroll in a future term once the crisis or life event is resolved. However, it is ultimately the student’s responsibility to decide to complete or drop the course. If students need help deciding to continue with a course, they can discuss their decision with their instructor or a counselor. The program manager and coordinator can provide information regarding the consequences that dropping a course might have on internship placements and graduation timelines. Students in need of counseling can contact the Henderson Student Counseling Center.

Paper Submission Requirements: Papers should be typed, double-spaced, with 12-pt font and 1-inch margins, and should conform to APA (American Psychological Association) Style, 6th Edition. Proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation are expected. Late papers/assignments will not be accepted without prior approval, and must be due to a legitimate emergency (not computer problems).

Technology Requirements: You need access to a computer with Internet access for this course. Online students are also required to have a working webcam. Access to Blackboard and your Nova e-mail will be required for this course. You can log in to Blackboard using your Nova ID and password. Students will find course articles and other relevant information on Blackboard: Students also need to check Blackboard weekly for important announcements and class-related business. Articles for the course can be found within the Course Content Module on Blackboard. Please contact the NSU OIT Help Desk at 954-262-4357 for technology support.

A Note on Class Participation: Participation is an important part of this course. Students are expected to participate in scheduled class activities and discussions. This includes responding to emails/messages in a timely manner, regularly accessing Blackboard, and overall investment and effort in the course, projects, and assignments. Your final course grade is likely to be affected by both the quality and quantity of your participation. Students are expected to function as professional counselors in training, which means participating in all discussions and responding to communications in a timely and professional manner.

Confidentiality and Classroom Conduct: Being involved in class discussion and small groups usually entails some amount of personal self-disclosure. Because of the nature of vulnerability, trust, and openness needed to learn about this topic, it is extremely important that confidentiality be maintained. Revealing personal information others have shared is a breach of confidentiality and is unethical. If you would like to share with others regarding your experiences, please reveal only your own reactions and understandings, and avoid using names or identifying features of your classmates. It is expected that anyone participating in a demonstration, role-play, or activity will have confidentiality respected.

As a graduate student, you will be treated and respected as an adult. Due to the nature of discussions involved in this class, it is important that we respect each other’s opinionsand values. Likewise, there should be empathy and understanding for the personal pain that can occur in those with whom we interact or discuss in class. You are expected to participate in classroom activities and discussions in such a manner as to maximize learning for yourself and your classmates.

Basic Ground Rules:

· Value differences

· One person speaks at a time

· Laugh with each other – not at each other

· Maintain confidentiality

· Have consideration for opinions other than your own

· No one dominates – everyone participates

· Keep an open mind – seek to understand others’ viewpoints

Personal Counseling: If you find that personal problems, career indecision, study and time management difficulties, etc. are adversely impacting your successful progress at NSU, please contact the NSU/Henderson Student Counseling Center at 954-262-7050 or 954-424-6911 for assistance in locating services.

Instructor’s Statement: The instructor reserves the right to adjust the syllabus schedule as needed to meet the needs of this particular class. Changes will be communicated with students in a timely manner. It is your responsibility to keep informed about discussion topics and assignments. If in doubt, check with your instructor. Please remember to retain your syllabi after completion of the program; students may need it in the future for certification or licensure purposes.

Professional and Personal Fitness: The counseling program is charged with the dual task of nurturing the development of counselors-in-training and ensuring quality client care. In order to fulfill these dual responsibilities faculty must evaluate students based on their academic, professional, and personal qualities. A student’s progress in the program may be interrupted for failure to comply with academic standards or if a student’s interpersonal or emotional status interferes with being able to provide ethical services to clients. For example, in order to ensure proper training and client care, a counselor-in-training must abide by relevant ethical codes and demonstrate professional knowledge, technical and interpersonal skills, professional attitudes, professional dispositions, and professional character. These factors are evaluated based on one’s academic performance and ability to convey warmth, genuineness, respect, and empathy in interactions with clients, classmates, staff, and faculty. Students should demonstrate the ability to accept and integrate feedback, be aware of their impact on others, accept personal responsibility, and be able to express feelings effectively and appropriately.

Professional Organizations: The NSU Counseling Program strongly recommends that you obtain membership in the American Counseling Association and/or the American School Counselor Association, depending on your specific counseling degree. Student memberships are available at a reduced rate, and allow you to become actively involved in local, state, and national activities, which serve to enhance your professional repertoire. NSU’s Counseling Student Organization (CSO) is also a valuable resource for networking and information.

Writing tutoring is available through NSU’s tutoring services. Graduate students can meet with a tutor once per week for 45 minutes. The tutor can assist with APA style, grammar, structuring, and formatting of papers. Tutoring can take place online for candidates who do not live close to the Ft. Lauderdale campus. For more information and to set up an appointment, call (954)262-8350.

Candidates seeking accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act may contact NSU’s Disability Services office at or (954) 262-7185. You will be required to submit the appropriate paperwork from the Office for Students with Disabilities if you require accommodations in this class. Please notify the instructor of your accommodations by the end of the first week. Students requiring religious accommodations should notify the instructor by the end of the second week of class.

NOTE: Counseling students, please retain your syllabus and all of your assignments for the semester, including those that are graded and returned.

XIII. Bibliography

Alonso, A., & Swiller, H.I. (Eds.) (1993). Group therapy in clinical practice. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press.

American Group Psychotherapy Association (2010). Practice guidelines for group psychotherapy: Reducing adverse outcomes and the ethical practice of group psychotherapy. Retrieved from:

American Association for Counseling and Development (2008). AGSW ethical guidelines for group counselors. Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 133(2),111-117. doi:10.1080/01933920801971184

Arnold, L. E. (1985)Parent-child group therapy: building self-esteem in a cognitive- behavior group. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books.

Association for Specialists in Group Work. (1998). ASGW best practice guidelines. Journal for

Specialists in Group Work, 23(3), 237-244. doi: 10.1080/01933929808411397

Association for Specialists in Group Work (ASGW). (2000). ASGW professional standards for

the training of group workers. Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 25, 327–342.

Association for Specialists in Group Work (2008). ASGW best practice guidelines 2007

revisions. Journal for Specialists in Group Work33(2) 111-117. doi: 10.1080/01933920801971184.

Association for Specialists in Group Work (2012). Multicultural and social justice competence

principles for group workers. Retrieved from:


Braaten, L.J. (1999). To what extent do clients discriminate among the group leader’s basic therapeutic attitudes? A person-centered contribution. The Person-Centered Journal, 6 (1), 32-45.

Brown, N. W. (1996). Expressive processes in group counseling: Theory and practice. Westport, CT: Praeger.

Flores, P. J. (1988). Group psychotherapy with addicted populations. New York: Haworth Press.

Corey, G. (2008). Theory and Practice of Group Counseling. (7th Ed.) Belmont, CA: Thomson Brooks/Cole.

Harper-Giuffre, H., & MacKenzie, K. R. (Eds.) (1992). Group psychotherapy for eating disorders. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press.

Jones, A. (1998). 104 Activities that Build. Richland, WA: Rec Room Publishing Co.

Kaplan, H. I., & Sadock, B. J. (Eds.) (1993). Comprehensive group psychotherapy. Baltimore, MD: Williams &Wilkins.

Kymissis, P., & Halperin, D. A. (Eds.) (1996). Group therapy with children and adolescents. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press.

Lieberman, M. A., Yalom, I. D., & Miles, M.B. (1973). Encounter groups: first facts. New York: Basic Books.

Peled, E., & Davis, D. (1995).Group work with children of battered women: a practitioner’s guide. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Posthuma, B. W. (1996). Small groups in counseling and therapy: process and leadership. Boston: Allyn &Bacon.

Key Academic Journals Related to Group Work

(Available via the NSU Library)

Group Dynamics, Theory, Research, and Practice

Group Psychotherapy

International Journal of Group Psychotherapy

Journal for Specialists in Group Work

Small Group Behavior

Web Destinations: Professional Development & Identity

American Counseling Association: The American Counseling Association (ACA) is an organization of counseling professionals who work in educational, health care, residential, private practice, community agency, government, and business and industry settings. Its mission is “to enhance human development throughout the life span and to promote the counseling profession.” The website contains links to divisions, conference information, an online newsletter, and information for the public.

American Counseling Association

5999 Stevenson Ave.

Alexandria, VA 22304

Telephone: (800) 347-6647 or (703) 823-9800

American Mental Health Counselors Association: American Mental Health Counselors Association (AMHCA) is now a separate organization from the American Counseling Association although some ties still exist. The mission of AMHCA is “to enhance the profession of mental health counseling through licensing, advocacy, education and professional development.” The web site contains links to state chapters, client information and related mental health areas. AMHCA holds an annual convention and publishes The Journal of Mental Health Counseling quarterly.

AMHCA Headquarters,

801 N. Fairfax St., Suite 304

Alexandria, VA 22314,

Telephone: (703) 548-6002 or (800) 326-2642,

The Association for Specialists in Group Work: The Association for Specialists in Group Work—a division of the American Counseling Association—exists so that members and other helping professionals are empowered with the knowledge, skills, and resources necessary to practice effective, socially just, and ethical group work in a diverse and global society. We value the creation of community; service to our members, their clients, and the profession; and group leadership as a process to facilitate the growth and development of individuals and groups.

Codes of Ethics

In general, the codes of ethics of the major professional organizations do not make distinctions in ethical behavior of clinicians when treating mental disorders versus other kinds of problems.

American Counseling Association – Code of Ethics

The website provides the ACA Code of Ethics and Standards for Practice. There is a new section on internet counseling ethics.

American Mental Health Counselors Association

National Board for Certified Counselors – Code of Ethics

XIV. Appendix/Appendices

Grading Rubrics for Assignments

Required Group Plan Key Performance Indicator Rubric

The “Group Counseling Plan” assignment is used as a Key Performance Indicator for the common core area “Group Counseling and Group Work.” 
CriterionNot Met =0 pointsMet =4 pointsExceeded =5 pointsPoints
1. Introduction(5 points max)    Student did not give a clear introduction that covers the appropriateness of the topic for small/large group, why the topic is not appropriate for individual counseling, and the population that is the focus of this group counseling group.Student gave a clear introduction that covers the appropriateness of the topic for small/large group, why the topic is not appropriate for individual counseling, and the population that is the focus of this group counseling group.Student gave a clear introduction that covers the appropriateness of the topic for small/large group, why the topic is not appropriate for individual counseling, and the population that is the focus of this group counseling group. The introduction was thorough and gave specific details on the population chosen.        
2. Research Support & References(5 points max)Student did not clearly describe what he/she found in a thorough literature review on the topic for the group intervention. The student did not use at least 5 professional references (e.g., refereed journal articles, textbooks). Student clearly described what he/she found in a thorough literature review on the topic for the group intervention. The student described curriculum that are evidence-based for this topic. At least 5 of the references were professional (e.g., refereed journal articles, textbooks). Student clearly described what he/she found in a thorough literature review on the topic for the group intervention. The student explained specific research studies and evidence-based curriculum that have been proven to meet needs of the targeted group population. At least 5 of the references were professional (e.g., refereed journal articles, textbooks). There were no APA style errors in reference listing.  
3. Group Plan(5 points max)            The Group Plan did not include all of the following:· An outline for at least 6 group meetings· Objectives for each meeting· Materials needed· Step-by-step instructions for leading the lesson· Process questions the leader should ask during the activities· Any additional materials the leader will need· Methods to measure group efficacy The Group Plan was thorough and includes:· An outline for at least 6 group meetings· Objectives for each meeting· Materials needed· Step-by-step instructions for leading the lesson· Process questions the leader should ask during the activities· Any additional materials the leader will need· Methods to measure whether or not the group was effective The Group Plan was thorough and includes:· An outline for at least 6 group meetings· Objectives for each meeting· Materials needed· Step-by-step instructions for leading the lesson· Process questions the leader should ask during the activities· Any additional materials the leader will need· Methods to measure whether or not the group was effective· The description of the group plan is thorough. The methods to measure accountability include perception data (e.g. pretest/posttest) & results data (e.g., GPA, attendance, etc.)              
4. Recommendations(5 points max) The student did not clearly describe recommendations for the counselor leading the group counseling group. The student clearly described recommendations for the counselor leading the group counseling group. The student clearly described recommendations for the counselor leading the group counseling group. These recommendations were practical and considered a wide variety of obstacles to running the group counseling group.    
Total grade for the assignment (20 of 100 total points for the course or 20% of your total course grade): *

All students must pass the KPI Assignment at 70% or higher. Any score below 70% requires instructor remediation of any ‘Not Met’ criterion prior to the end of the course to achieve a passing grade for the KPI. Students must pass the KPI to pass the course.

Assessment of Student Dispositions: NSU Department of Counseling1

Student: ________________________________________________ Concentration: ____________________

Evaluator: __________________________________________Date: ___________ NSU ID: _____________

Time of Assessment: Admission _______ PYCL 635 ______ PYCL 680 ______

Directions: Throughout the educational experience at Nova Southeastern University, students in the Department of Counseling should develop and embody key professional dispositions. NSU student dispositions are comprised of 4 major components containing 8 elements each, and are assessed using the scale below. Please rate the student on each element by checking the appropriate box. If a disposition is not exhibited, please check N/O (Not Observed). Add comments for any scores below 2 and contact the Program Manager for guidance:

0 Not Observed1 Unacceptable2 Needs Remediation3 Acceptable4 Exemplary 

The scale will then generate an average Overall Rating for each of the four components. Additional comments, including student strengths, are welcomed.

ComponentsN/O0Unacceptable1Needs Remediation2Acceptable3Exemplary4
1. Professional Behavior Dispositions
Treats others with respect     
Is a team player, develops positive relationships with others     
Shows initiative & motivation (e.g., meets deadlines, class attendance; engagement)     
Dresses professionally     
Welcomes new ideas     
Accepts and uses feedback constructively from faculty, supervisors, and peers     
Is tolerant of ambiguity and change     
Manages high demand tasks well     
Overall Component Rating = 1 2 3 4
2. Positive Attitude and Self-Awareness Dispositions
Is invested in the counseling field and academic work     
Is aware and sensitive when engaging and working with people of diverse backgrounds     
Shows flexibility in responding to changing demands of the program     
Shows ability to deal with conflict     
Appreciates clients and understands their struggles     
Takes initiative to find solutions and solve problems     
Is willing to examine own values, beliefs, and behaviors     
Understands the importance of and engages in self-care activities regularly     
Overall Component Rating = 1 2 3 4
3. Communication Dispositions
Communicates effectively by using appropriate professional language     
Communicates effectively in writing by using appropriate grammar and APA style     
Responds with appropriate sensitivity to classmates, faculty, clients and others throughout the profession     
Shares a perspective persuasively, respectfully, and professionally     
Creates, defends, and engages in disagreements with reason and respect     
Expresses emotional empathy and compassion     
Demonstrates ability to think critically     
Listens to and respects a variety of viewpoints and contributions     
Overall Component Rating = 1 2 3 4
4. Ethical Behavior Dispositions
Behaves in an ethical manner by attending to the ACA Code of Ethics and NSU’s Student Handbook and policies     
Maintains appropriate boundaries with faculty, supervisors, peers, and clients (if applicable)     
Maintains confidentiality when appropriate and needed     
Respects the core values of the University and professional community     
Discloses unethical or unlawful in an appropriate and timely manner     
Accepts responsibility for personal actions and behaviors     
Demonstrates honesty, integrity, and fairness     
Is aware of social justice and advocacy issues relevant to the counseling profession     
Overall Component Rating = 1 2 3 4
Additional Comments

Adapted with permission in part from the University of North Carolina-Charlotte Assessment of Counseling Dispositions and the article, Dispositions assessment in teacher education: Developing an assessment instrument for the college classroom and the field by Almerico, G., Johnston, P., Henriott, D. & Shapiro, M. (2011). Research in Higher Education Journal, pp. 1-1.

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