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Harvard University Wk 2 SNAPPS Oral Presentation Template


I will be doing the kaltura oral presentation I sent you all the information so you have a better understanding of the paper, and you are able to see the written guideline SNAPPS WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT TEMPLATE (Links to an external site.) and the SNAPPS ORAL PRESENTATION TEMPLATE (Links to an external site.) those need to be completed, thanks

  1. Request:      Using a patient seen in their      clinical setting, students will give an oral presentation (via Kaltura)      using the 6-step learner-centered SNAPPS model to mimic a real-life      presentation to the preceptor by:
  • Briefly summarizing the       relative history and findings;
  • Narrowing the differential to       three relevant possibilities using the pertinent positive and negative       findings;
  • Analyzing the differential by       comparing and contrasting the possibilities;
  • Probing the preceptor by       asking questions about uncertainties, difficulties, or alternative       approaches;
  • Identifying a treatment plan       for the patient; and
  • Select a case-related issue       for self-directed learning
  1. In addition to the presentation,      the student will submit the written findings of their research for the      case-related, self-directed learning topic that was identified in the      presentation.
  2. The written portion of this      assignment will be submitted on the “SNAPPS Template for Written      Assignment” using appropriate evidence-based, scholarly references and      using appropriate APA reference and in-text citations.

The  presentation part of this assignment should be prepared using the following guidelines:

  1. Students will present a patient      seen in their clinical setting for a single, problem-focused (acute)      visit.
  2. The oral presentation will be      recorded and should mimic a presentation that would be given to the      preceptor.
  3. The presentation should be      5-7min.
  4. To help organize your data in      preparation for the presentation, it is recommended that students use the      “SNAPPS TEMPLATE FOR ORAL PRESENTATION”. This document is only a guide and      is not required. It should NOT be submitted to the discussion board or      assignment box.
  5. Students should refer to the      SNAPPS videos in the Week 2 lesson as an example of the oral presentation.
  6. As part of the patient      presentation, the student must provide the following:
    • Chief complaint with pertinent       HPI, ROS and PE findings
    • Identification of the       differential
    • An analysis of the differential       with arguments for or against each diagnosis ranked in order from most       likely to least likely
    • Probing questions that were       asked of the preceptor or areas of uncertainties
    • Novice level plan management       (diagnosis, medication, education and follow-up instructions)
  7. The student states the      self-directed learning topic that they will investigate further. (NOTE: A      self-directed learning topic is something that you want to know more about      that relates to the condition, but is not the condition itself).

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