Hazardous Materls & Ind Safety


Please “inventory” your personal workspace (employment) to a distance of five (5) miles. List all identified Hazardous Materials in this region (requires a referenced definition of Hazardous Materials, cite your source. Your local community right to know/Emergency Planning Committee can supplement your personal “windshield search” for materials in their customary locations. Plot these locations on a map, preferably a topographical map. Finally, perform a “Hazard Analysis” rating the most likely hazard material to create an incident, the most toxic to humans, most unique in response, and most persistent to the environment.

Locate the SDS for each and post. One additional document with Hazard data/response recommendations for each substance is desirable.

Contact your Local Emergency Planning Committee (through an industrial concern OR the local fire chief OR the local Emergency Planning Agency. Request the time and location for their NEXT planning meeting, and plan to attend. A letter of introduction will be available from the Program Administrator as needed.

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