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Health Issues in Kenya Bibliography


Health Issues in Kenya Bibliography

Health Issues in Kenya Bibliography


Annotated Bibliography

  1. There must be a minimum of five (5) references in the bibliography beyond those required in previous assignments.
  2. Each source must be listed in correct APA 7th edition format.
  3. Complete the annotation for each of the five (5) sources. Remember an annotation contains a summary, an evaluation, and a reflection upon the content in the source. The reference for the annotation is the first line of the page, then the annotation itself. Each new article should start on a new page.
  4. Review the resources on how to select a credible source and how to write an annotated bibliography. These resources can be found in the Instructional Materials.
  5. Scholarly and credible JOURNAL articles must be used. Website references CANNOT be included. It’s best to retrieve your articles from the library database and select the “peer-reviewed” tab.
  6. You must include a properly formatted APA 7th edition student title page.
  7. If your references are at the top of each page as is expected for an annotated bibliography, you will NOT need a separate references page.

Refer to Rubric for evaluation guidelines. ( Rubric is attached)

This class is related to health issues in Kenya, articles related to this topic is preffered.

See the sample in the Instructional Materials for Module 5 and in the Annotated Bibliography material on the Purdue OWL website.

Book Chapters:

Arntfield, M. A., & Johnston, J. W. (2016). Healthcare writing: A practical guide to professional success. Broadview Press.

  • Chapter 8, pp. 172-192
  • Click here to download the PDF

Examples of an Annotated Bibliography

Selecting Credible Sources

University of California San Diego Department of Psychology. (2018). What types of references are appropriate? https://psychology.ucsd.edu/undergraduate-program/undergraduate-resources/academic-writing-resources/writing-research-papers/appropriate-references.html

University of Maryland. (2018). Is my source credible? http://sites.umuc.edu/library/libhow/credibility.cfm


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