Part 1 (800 or more words)
- Watch all the videos & read Chapter 13 in textbook . Here is the link to a FREE version (PDF) of the textbook
- Watch ALL the videos
- Read the TWO articles below with each question.
Writing Assignment:
Question 1. Watch the NINE (9) videos on the homepage …Read about Medicare and Medicaid (Medi-Cal in CA) in our text (Ch. 13) Pick out at several things that jumped out to you. (bullet EACH answer… you’ll have 2 sections with bullets for each WOW moment!)
- Think of at least THREE (3) WOW moments for the MEDICARE video and in the text(1 from the video and 2 from the textbook – section 13.5 on Medicare). (WHAT caught your attention) Why did you think it was interesting or new to you? WHY?
- Do the same thing for the Medicaid video and from our text (again, WHAT was interesting). Pick out THREE (3) Wow moments (1 from the video and 2 from the textbook – section 13.5 on Medicaid) and don’t forget to tell WHY you thought it was interesting or new to you? WHY?
Writing format:
Question 2. We are going to be looking at Retirement. One of the issues of course in retirement is our HEALTH… and of course, the COST of that health care. (bullet your separate thoughts)
- Read the following article: . Be specific. *mention SPECIFICS from the article for full points
- Does the information in the article worry you? And what about YOUR parents or family members? do they have enough, or will you be supporting them? Could you afford to take off work and care for them (if not, how will you pay for their care). Think about supporting yourself, your own kids, your parents, your in-laws and saving for your own retirement and kids college tuition… yikes!
- Right now, the AVERAGE cost of a Nursing Home is $100k and an Assisted living is around $45,000 a year (and just think that in So. California these figures can run much higher). Most people want to retire around 67, right (that’s the current age to get FULL Social Security)? What if YOU live to 97, how are you going to support yourself for 30 years including medical expenses. What if you can’t rely on your family for financial support? Check out the videos for some more information on healthcare costs.
Question 3. Because healthcare is a BIG concern for the American population, there are those that say we should RATION healthcare for the Elderly.
- Read the article of pros/cons for healthcare rationing: (HERE is something interesting, a rationed health care advocate has been named to the new Covid-19 task force… you might be interested in his opinion as to why he is pro rationing:
What to write:
- Imagine you are a policy-maker who has to take a position on age-based versus need-based policies about healthcare. What would your argument be? Should we ration healthcare based on a persons age? Should a person 70 get a kidney transplant vs. a young adult of 22? support your argument with facts from the ARTICLE.
- Word document or pdf ONLY –
- You MUST label each question (Question 1, Question 2, Question 3). Use Bullets for each section. & DO NOT INCLUDE MY QUESTIONS!
- No APA required
- College level writing skills
Part 2 (At least 200 words)
Read the textbook, Chapter 13 and pay attention to the first few sections (the beginning of the chapter to the end of the section titled Intergenerational Inequity versus Interdependence)
QUESTION: Would you support ALL older adults receiving benefits based on age regardless of need, OR do you think that elders and their families should pay for services, based on their income? Would you propose changing Social Security and Medicare from age-based programs to one based on income (example: should millionaires get Social Security and Medicare because they paid into and reached the age to qualify and are entitled to receive it… OR… should it be based on income and since they have enough to buy the services, they shouldn’t receive it)?
- Full sentences, Use something in the text to justify your answer (use a page number or section to identify where you got the information)
- Write in first person
- Do Not include the question
- At least 200 words