Introduction: Primate Social Communication Discussion Board
Among social primates communication is key. Nonhuman primates do not have language but they communicate nonetheless. Among many primate species, facial expressions, gestural communication and vocalizations can be used to communicate information among members of a troop that can increase the fitness (ability to survive and reproduce) of a collective group. In the documentary, “Clever Monkeys”, one important features that repeats throughout the film is the inherent communication abilities that nonhuman primates have.
What you are doing
Your task will be to view how nonhuman primates communicate and understand how communication can increase fitness among social primate groups.
What you have to do for points.
- For your post you must choose one example of how your chosen primate species communicates. Name the species and and give one example.
- You must describe one way that your species communicates (There are many things that are considered communication such as gestures, vocalizations etc.)
- You must explain what your species communicates (e.g. hunger, fear etc.)
- You must also explain how communication increases fitness within the species that you choose.
- In your answer make sure you explain what fitness means.
- Clearly explain how your chosen mode of communication would enhances fitness within your chosen species.
- Make sure you cite your information.
- Make sure you respond to two other student posts.
- In your response explain how your species communication would potentially enhance the fitness of another students chosen species.
Grading rubric
Click on the “Gear icon” located in the top right-hand corner and then click on “Show Rubric” to view the grading requirements for this discussion.
Tips for success
- Please keep your answer to only what is asked in the assignment.
- I recommend composing your content offline in a text editor and then copy and paste the text into your reply post. If something happens you will have an offline copy of all of your hard work!
- I highly recommend using Google Docs (Drive) to compose offline, as Google plays well with web-based forums. If you are using Microsoft Word to compose offline, you may need to do some editing to the format when you paste it into the reply.