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Help needed as soon as possible! willing to pay well!


Module Five Activity
The assignment for this lesson may be done independently or collaboratively with another student in the course. If you decide to do this assignment collaboratively, work together with your partner on all three parts of the assignment. Remember, all students must complete at least one assignment collaboratively in each segment of the course.

Now, it’s time to create that treasure map to hide the treasure from Ol’ Red Coat’s family.
You will use coordinate geometry to construct your map.
Print the instructions below to review them off-line.

Part 1: Which Quadrilateral?
Part 2: Create Directions
Part 3: Show Proof
What to Submit
Geo City citizen, you have been asked by the police department to find three locations the Acute Perps gang is likely to hit in the coming weeks. Because the gang sticks to a triangular pattern, identify and label three points on the coordinate plane that will form a triangle congruent to the one shown on the map.
You may create the congruent triangle using this GeoGebra graph if you’d like. Refer to thedirections if you need help with this program. You may also print and use graph paper.
It is possible that the gang will change their plan based on the recent news segment. Therefore, identify and label three points on the coordinate plane that create a similar triangle where the side lengths are that of the original triangle, triangle WGC.
You may create the similar triangle using this GeoGebra graph if you’d like. Refer to thedirections if you need help with this program. You may also print and use graph paper.
Write two paragraphs to answer the following questions.
Why did you choose those particular three locations for the congruent triangle? How did you know those points would form a triangle congruent to the given triangle? Which congruency postulate or theorem (SAS, ASA, SSS, etc.) did you use to create the congruent triangle? Why did you choose it? You must include a justification for the postulate or theorem you chose accompanied by any applicable work.
Why did you choose those particular three locations for the similar triangle? How did you know those points would create a triangle similar to the given triangle? Which similarity postulate or theorem (AA, SAS, SSS, etc.) did you use to create the similar triangle? Why did you choose it? You must include a justification for the postulate or theorem you chose accompanied by any applicable work.
Submit the following to your instructor using a word processing document or by copying and pasting into the assignment box:
The three ordered pairs, with labels, of the congruent triangle you created. Labels for each point may be as simple as A, B, C, or creative location names such as “A Cute Flower Shop.” The triangle may be included, but is not required.
The three ordered pairs, with labels, of the similar triangle you created. Labels for each point may be as simple as A, B, C, or creative location names such as “A Cute Flower Shop.” The triangle may be included, but is not required.
Two paragraphs to answer the given questions and justify the congruence and similarity of the triangles.
Why did you choose those particular three locations for the congruent triangle? How did you know those points would form a triangle congruent to the given triangle? Which congruency postulate or theorem (SAS, ASA, SSS, etc.) did you use to create the congruent triangle? Why did you choose it? You must include a justification for the postulate or theorem you chose accompanied by any applicable work.
Why did you choose those particular three locations for the similar triangle? How did you know those points would create a triangle similar to the given triangle? Which similarity postulate or theorem (AA, SAS, SSS, etc.) did you use to create the similar triangle? Why did you choose it? You must include a justification for the postulate or theorem you chose accompanied by any applicable work.

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