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HIN Assignment 5 | Nursing Term Paper


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you can use the city that you are located inBOOK: Health Informatics: Practical Guide Seventh Edition  by William R. Hersh  (Author), Robert E. Hoyt  (Author)    ISBN-13: 978-1387642410  ISBN-10: 1387642413      For this assignment, you will propose the creation of an HIO for your local city.  Think about all the entities that provide COVID vaccines.  How can your new HIO provide services to capture all records.    Be sure to include a reference in APA format.  You are encouraged to start early.  Please see the rubric for grading details.Instructions:Create a  3 paragraph memo to your City Council.In the memo, includeDefinition of a Health Information OrganizationInclude the difference between HIO and HIE.Include a persuasive discussion with 3 reasons why it’s important for the city to include an HIO.Include facts and/or data from outside sources and cite them properly.Discuss some challenges you may face with creating an HIOHINT-  HIOs are not EHRs. Check out this site for examples (Links to an external site.).”Do you need a similar assignment done for you from scratch? We have qualified writers to help you with a guaranteed plagiarism-free A+ quality paper.

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