Hospitality Diversity Essay


Widespread improvement in education over the last century has created a more highly educated and thus more aspiring workforce around the world. Discuss how this trend impacts diversity management in the workplace. What are the specific demands that an educated workforce places on a company with regards to its diversity programs? What does an educated population (the general public, not employees) expect from a company with regard to corporate social responsibility in a broader sense?

Margins: One inch top, bottom, left and right

Font: Times New Roman

Font size: 12 point

Left Aligned Text

Line spacing: 1

Spacing Before Paragraph: 0 point

Spacing After Paragraph: 0 point

File Format: docx

Double space between paragraphs

Four paragraph minimum

Word Count: 500 minimum

Special notes on essay formatting:

  1. Do not use word processing software that uses the East Asian PRC Language Pack for essays for this class as line spacing will be incorrect for essay assignments.
  2. Do not assume that Google Docs or smartphone software will create the .docx format required for essay assignments in this class. It is your responsibility to ensure that your essay is uploaded in the .docx format.
  3. To double space paragraphs – hit the enter key twice at the end of each paragraph
  4. No citations or quotations are accepted in essays; use your own words and rephrase any content from published literature

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