Required to compose a clear and arguable thesis statement that can be proven. Black Masculinity: How is black masculinity constructed in the text? How do men construct a sense of self in relation to themselves, family, black women, other men and/or a white dominated society? How is masculinity defined in relation to differences in class, geography, and generation? Are there different “types” of masculinities being explored? You may want to choose two or three characters to analyze in relation to each other. Required to incorporate ONE of the critical essays, quote directly from the article and engage with the critic’s ideas. Be sure to examine the use of language and style– imagery, symbolism, Metaphor– in the texts (not just what is immediately obvious). MLA Style, Times Roman, 12 point font. Leave one inch margins top, bottom, left and right on each page of text; “justify” -that is, line up- your text on the left margin only.