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How is seed mucilage ‘produced and where exactly is it produced from?


2. O wiese medisins applies to IPOTHUCA SCUS! 3. How is seed mucilage ‘produced and where exactly is it produced from? 4. True or false? The balance between the activities of abscisic acid (ABA) and gibberellin (GA in seeds is under both developmental and environmental control. 5. How is the balance of GA and ABA important in the dormancy of seeds? 6. Define the terms ‘secondary metabolites’ and ‘allelopathy’, indicating their relevance in plant- plant interactions. 7. Identify the 3 major classes of plant secondary metabolites. 8. True or false? Since the following 5 plant hormones – cytokinins, giberellins, brassinosteroids, abscisic and strigolactones- are all derivatives of the pathways that produce secondary metabolites, these hormones are also considered secondary metabolites.

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