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I need 3 paragraphs only to answer discusions below


1 paragraph each discusion

Unit 5


  • Assume the role of a healthcare provider and create a treatment plan or rehab plan for the patient.
    • What activities do you think would help them not only improve symptoms but also the activities of daily living?
    • Would there be any restrictions on the patient’s activities based on the symptoms or area of the brain involved?

    **** Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

Unit 6

  • Based
    on what your last name starts with, use the key listed below to
    identify what your assigned special sense is for this discussion:

    • Last name starts with A-I = Hearing(Franklin)
    • Last name starts with J-R = Smell
    • Last name starts with S-Z = Vision
  • Based on your assigned special sense answer the following questions:
    • Describe your special sense in regards to the anatomy and physiology of it.
    • Now
      assume in an emergency situation like a fire, explain how the loss of
      your special sense would aid in an advantage compared to the other
      groups. Explain your reasoning.
    • In this same scenario, how would
      the loss of your special sense put you at a disadvantage compared to
      the other groups? Explain your reasoning.
    • Explain how you would adapt to the emergency situation using the remainder of your intact senses. Be specific.

    *****Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

Unit 7

of the neurological system is very important to test if the system is
working appropriately or to detect if there is a deficit in the nervous
system. It can also be used to assess the progression of the disease
that is present.


  • Research a few diagnostic tests or assessments that are used to measure neurological health.
  • Select one of the assessments or tests (unique from classmates) as the focus of your discussion.
  • Discuss the assessment or test, including:
    • Explain the procedure or test.
    • Explain the relevant anatomy and/or physiology that the test is evaluating.
    • Give an example of disease(s) that are diagnosed or monitored by this testing procedure.
  • If
    applicable describe an experience with the explained procedure. This
    could include personal experiences, family members, friends or those
    encountered in a professional manner. Experiences described can be

****Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

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